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Skin Dive

Tekijä: Ava Gray

Sarjat: Skin (4)

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
561467,077 (3.85)-
Gillie is a fugitive, determined never to be bound again. Because of her special gift, her former captors intend to retrieve her - by any means necessary. Taye can't remember much about his past, but with a bounty hunter hounding them, he'll do anything to assure Gillie's safety and preserve her innocence - for himself. Edgy, sexy and romantic, the latest book in the popular Skin series is an instalment fans will not want to miss.… (lisätietoja)

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This book is the final showdown between the Mockingbird’s group (good) and the Foundation (bad). The romance in this book is between Gillie and Taye who had finally escaped from the Exeter Facility. There were alot of character's POV in this book..
Tanager and Mockingbird - You have to read the book to understand this complicated releationship..
Cale and Kestrel - My heart broke for these two and there ending.
Hawk (Silas in the previous books) and Juneau - the most uncomplicated couple in this book..
Now that I have finished the series of the 4 books I have my favorites. I really liked the first two books.. The third other than Zeke being captured and experimented on (which happens before the book starts) his story could just be a stand alone book as there is no mention of Mockingbird or the Foundation is this book. The last book, I guess with any war there are casualties and sometimes its the good guys that lose the battle so that others can win the war.

Overall this was a great series and I recommend it to anyone that likes paranormal mixed with some great romance.. ( )
  CindySnS | Oct 26, 2016 |
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Skin (4)
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Englanninkielinen Wikipedia (1)

Gillie is a fugitive, determined never to be bound again. Because of her special gift, her former captors intend to retrieve her - by any means necessary. Taye can't remember much about his past, but with a bounty hunter hounding them, he'll do anything to assure Gillie's safety and preserve her innocence - for himself. Edgy, sexy and romantic, the latest book in the popular Skin series is an instalment fans will not want to miss.

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Keskiarvo: (3.85)
2 1
3 1
3.5 1
4 5
5 2

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