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Just David (1916)

Tekijä: Eleanor H. Porter

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434458,324 (4.05)6
Classic Literature. Juvenile Fiction. HTML:

If you have a soft spot for Eleanor H. Porter's beloved novel Pollyanna, you should definitely add Just David to your reading list. Written just a few years after Porter penned her best-known work, this emotionally resonant and uplifting tale mines many of the same themes, albeit from a starkly different vantage-point. David is a young boy who has lived an extremely sheltered life in the mountains, with just his father and his beloved violin to keep him company. When his father is beset by a grave illness, David is thrust out of his idyllic existence and is forced to grapple with the reality of the outside world. Will this innocent be able to make it through this trying time with his virtue—and his life—intact?

.… (lisätietoja)

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» Katso myös 6 mainintaa

David has lived alone on the mountain with his father. His father becomes ill and tries to return to the city before his own death. David’s father dies on the trip and a small town takes in the queer boy.
It’s written by the same author as Pollyanna and it felt like author just changed the names of the characters and republished Pollyanna as Just David. ( )
  MaryRachelSmith | Nov 30, 2021 |
One of my all-time favorite books, Just David shows the optimism of a young musician, even as he is uprooted and loses his father. The realism of his situation makes it more believable to the reader, while his ineffably bright outlook and hope is the salve that heals himself, his neighbors and the reader. ( )
  catherineparry | Jul 19, 2016 |
63. Just David, by Eleanor H. Porter (read in 1940) In 1917 this book was the third best selling novel. The author's most famous book was Pollyanna which I never read because it was not in our school library. ( )
  Schmerguls | Sep 7, 2013 |
Originally published in1916 ( )
  ColleenGiles | Jan 1, 2013 |
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To my friend, Mrs. James Hartness
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Far up on the mountain-side the little shack stood alone in the clearing.
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Englanninkielinen Wikipedia (2)

Classic Literature. Juvenile Fiction. HTML:

If you have a soft spot for Eleanor H. Porter's beloved novel Pollyanna, you should definitely add Just David to your reading list. Written just a few years after Porter penned her best-known work, this emotionally resonant and uplifting tale mines many of the same themes, albeit from a starkly different vantage-point. David is a young boy who has lived an extremely sheltered life in the mountains, with just his father and his beloved violin to keep him company. When his father is beset by a grave illness, David is thrust out of his idyllic existence and is forced to grapple with the reality of the outside world. Will this innocent be able to make it through this trying time with his virtue—and his life—intact?


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