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The World Almanac and Book of Facts 2010

Tekijä: Sarah Janssen

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
1561176,895 (4.67)-
The World Almanac is the #1 best-selling American reference book of all time. It isthesource for essential and authoritative facts for entertainment, reference and learning. The book contains thousands of facts and statistics that aren’t publicly available which are sourced and double-checked by the staff of World Almanac experts.Features inThe World Almanac and Book of Facts 2010: ·        Year in Pictures:16 page color photo section of the top stories of 2009, as well as 16 pages of world maps and flags and easy-to-use side abs.·         Plus thousands of facts and statistics that aren’t publicly availab≤ sourced and double-checked by our full-time editorial staff who are reference experts by categoryWorld Almanac Online: www.WorldAlmanac.com2010 will feature the third year of Bonus Content Online, extended reading to the printed edition for the same combined price of $12.99.This year will feature details about the Bush Legacy and the Obama Presidencyplus lots more free information available year-round at worldalmanac.com: historical presidential information, health news and features, and early access to WA10 info.Once online, look for The World Almanac Blog, launched in 2006 and every weekday featuring·         New original entries, including provocative postings such as Unbreakable Sports Records; fascinating scientific and historical trivia; and new links to online tools and archives for almanac fans·         This Day in History, Notable Birthdays and unusual anniversaries such as when Nixon met Elvis Presley in the Oval Office (1970)·         More useful links and tags to essential reads·         The World Almanac Daily Trivia Game Widget—Compete with friends and co-workers with this daily trivia game. Released to online community hot spots, each day members are asked fun, unique questions, derived from information within The World Almanac.  This widget also gives them “This Day in History” information and directly links them to www.WorldAlmanac.com so that they may read up on the daily blog or make online purchases of the book. PRAISE FOR WORLD ALMANAC:“A treasure trove of political, economic, scientific, and educational statistics and information.” –The Wall Street Journal  “This bad boy contains more information per page than any other reference work.  Sports, elections, state capitals, art, science.  It’s a set of encyclopedias you can hold in one hand”—St. Louis Post-Dispatch“Reading the World Almanac sends your mind on a Sunday drive down a freeway with hundreds of interesting exit ramps.” –ChattanoogaTimes Free Press“My #1 reference work for facts.” –Will Shortz,The New York TimesCrossword Editor“For the most information in one source,The World Almanacremains the champion.”—American Library Association“The World Almanacis the most useful reference book known to modern man.” –Los AngelesTimes“An institution … The range of records and data the book collects is staggering.”—Dallas Morning News“Here it is, the just-updated compendium of facts and figures, maps and charts that has become a valuable resource for schoo… (lisätietoja)

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The World Almanac 2010 tells you everything you wanted and didn't want to know about the world. I am amazed that there is a book that gives such details about the most trivial (and not so trivial) things. If you are a fact person, you will love this book. One aspect that I did find interesting was the list of 'Most Challenged Books, 2008; Some Notable New Books for Children, 2008 and Best Selling Books, 2008 found on pages 249-250
  pmacsmith | Jul 21, 2010 |
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The World Almanac is the #1 best-selling American reference book of all time. It isthesource for essential and authoritative facts for entertainment, reference and learning. The book contains thousands of facts and statistics that aren’t publicly available which are sourced and double-checked by the staff of World Almanac experts.Features inThe World Almanac and Book of Facts 2010: ·        Year in Pictures:16 page color photo section of the top stories of 2009, as well as 16 pages of world maps and flags and easy-to-use side abs.·         Plus thousands of facts and statistics that aren’t publicly availab≤ sourced and double-checked by our full-time editorial staff who are reference experts by categoryWorld Almanac Online: www.WorldAlmanac.com2010 will feature the third year of Bonus Content Online, extended reading to the printed edition for the same combined price of $12.99.This year will feature details about the Bush Legacy and the Obama Presidencyplus lots more free information available year-round at worldalmanac.com: historical presidential information, health news and features, and early access to WA10 info.Once online, look for The World Almanac Blog, launched in 2006 and every weekday featuring·         New original entries, including provocative postings such as Unbreakable Sports Records; fascinating scientific and historical trivia; and new links to online tools and archives for almanac fans·         This Day in History, Notable Birthdays and unusual anniversaries such as when Nixon met Elvis Presley in the Oval Office (1970)·         More useful links and tags to essential reads·         The World Almanac Daily Trivia Game Widget—Compete with friends and co-workers with this daily trivia game. Released to online community hot spots, each day members are asked fun, unique questions, derived from information within The World Almanac.  This widget also gives them “This Day in History” information and directly links them to www.WorldAlmanac.com so that they may read up on the daily blog or make online purchases of the book. PRAISE FOR WORLD ALMANAC:“A treasure trove of political, economic, scientific, and educational statistics and information.” –The Wall Street Journal  “This bad boy contains more information per page than any other reference work.  Sports, elections, state capitals, art, science.  It’s a set of encyclopedias you can hold in one hand”—St. Louis Post-Dispatch“Reading the World Almanac sends your mind on a Sunday drive down a freeway with hundreds of interesting exit ramps.” –ChattanoogaTimes Free Press“My #1 reference work for facts.” –Will Shortz,The New York TimesCrossword Editor“For the most information in one source,The World Almanacremains the champion.”—American Library Association“The World Almanacis the most useful reference book known to modern man.” –Los AngelesTimes“An institution … The range of records and data the book collects is staggering.”—Dallas Morning News“Here it is, the just-updated compendium of facts and figures, maps and charts that has become a valuable resource for schoo

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