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The Shuttle (1907)

Tekijä: Frances Hodgson Burnett

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Classic Literature. Fiction. HTML:

If you're tired of Victorian heroines who are weak-willed, simpleminded, and utterly incapable of looking out for themselves, you simply must make the acquaintance of Bettina Vanderpoel, the refreshingly shrewd, independent, and level-headed protagonist of Frances Hodgson Burnett's novel The Shuttle. In the early twentieth century, America's nouveau riche families began to marry off their daughters to British aristocrats, and many of these matches were doomed before they even began by intractable cultural differences. When Betty sets off across the pond to rescue her sister Rosalie from one such ill-fated match, the novel really kicks into high gear.

.… (lisätietoja)
  1. 20
    The Buccaneers (tekijä: Edith Wharton) (Sakerfalcon)
    Sakerfalcon: Wharton's final (unfinished) novel tackles the same theme as The Shuttle - American heiresses marrying into the English aristocracy, with mixed results.
  2. 00
    Humiseva harju (tekijä: Emily Brontë) (Anonyymi käyttäjä)

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I wasn’t sure what to expect from ‘The Shuttle’, because Persephone Books editions look lovely but have no blurb. It turned out to be an involving family drama and social commentary in three acts. Act I: a rich American girl marries an impoverished aristocrat, who turns out to be horribly abusive. Act II: after many years, her younger sister comes to visit in the abusive husband’s absence. Act III: husband and sister become locked in a battle of wills. Inevitably, the most fascinating and appealing character is the younger sister, Betty. It can be tiresome in novels when a beautiful and rich paragon of a young woman causes everyone to fall in love with her. In the case of Betty Venderpoel, it works because she is relentlessly practical and capable. In fact, she reminded me of [b:Cold Comfort Farm|92780|Cold Comfort Farm|Stella Gibbons|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1416161594s/92780.jpg|847348]’s inimitable Flora Poste (a heroine of mine). Betty's initiative, resilience, and refusal to be intimidated by bullying are all admirable. While she is not oblivious to the limitations of being a woman, she deploys her intelligence and resources brilliantly. The dialogue between her and the odious Nigel is the highlight of the book. I also liked her comments about not wanting to be a man, merely wanting the same opportunities that men get.

Betty’s actions and the plot in general throw interesting light on the dynamics of American and English high society in Edwardian times. Transatlantic travel was becoming more accessible and Frances Hodgson Burnett began the novel to comment on marriages between rich American women and English men. Although the narrative obviously sides with the plucky US women against the villainous Brit Nigel, I found the Americans’ acceptance of British class dynamics striking. Nigel’s neglect of his estate (deliberate) and his neighbour’s (inevitable due to lack of money) are both presented as bad - they should be doing their duty as feudal lords. The text references the collapse of the feudal system, yet it is notable that the American characters only interact with old aristocratic families rather than Britain’s nouveau riche. It almost seems like the Americans are so charmed by the aesthetics of rural estates that the history behind them goes unquestioned. Betty seems very happy to bring some American money and energy to being Lord of the Manor. Yet it’s not as conservative a book as that. The independence of US women is deliberately contrasted with their more limited sphere in England. Betty does subtly change perceptions here and there, for example persuading an old aristo not to disdain a man just because his father and brother were rogues. The prevailing theme is American spirit and money reinvigorating the picturesque yet moribund English countryside, without necessarily transforming it.

An involving plot combined with a thoughtful context lift the narrative above melodrama and make for a compelling read. Betty carries the whole thing along; I’d happily read more novels in which she outwits awful men. Indeed, I think I should look for more Frances Hodgson Burnett. Prior to ‘The Shuttle’, I’d only read her childen’s books. ( )
  annarchism | Aug 4, 2024 |
The title refers to a steamer that carried wealthy American young women from New York City to England to marry an English "gentleman" who was low on funds and whose estate was dilapidated. She brings her money, he offers status. The woman didn't really have status in the U.S. because their family money was "new." This story began as a meek and mild young woman was married to a bully of a man who cut her off from her family once he got her money. However, 10 years into the marriage, the headstrong sister arrives and sets things straight and even finds a down and out manor owner herself! My only criticism is that book is overly long. It could have ended at 350-400 pages and not the 512 as written. A tad melodramatic. ( )
  Tess_W | Dec 1, 2023 |
Mariage anglo américain à l'époque victorienne.
  marievictoire | May 9, 2023 |
This review was written for the first time I read this novel...I've enjoyed it just as much on successive readings!

Who knew that Frances Hodgson Burnett had written books besides The Secret Garden and A Little Princess? I had never heard of The Shuttle, but after this I will certainly be trying some of her other works of fiction. The characters were drawn extremely well and leave very strong impressions. It's a story full of romance and drama, and despite what sounds like a depressing storyline (girl goes to rescue her sister from an abusive husband), there is actually quite a bit of hope and positivity in it. I read through it very quickly and would highly recommend it! ( )
  Alishadt | Feb 25, 2023 |
Potential Trigger Warning

Betty Vanderpoel's older sister, Rosy, married an Earl, moved from New York to his estate in England, and hasn't been heard from in years. After the end of her education at a prestigious finishing school, Betty decides to find out what happened and boards "The Shuttle," Burnett's term for the scores of ships making their way across the ocean between American and "the Continent." What she discovers is hardly a surprise, it's how Burnett does it that was unexpected.

Did you know that the author of [b:The Secret Garden|2998|The Secret Garden|Frances Hodgson Burnett|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1327873635l/2998._SY75_.jpg|3186437] and [b:A Little Princess|3008|A Little Princess|Frances Hodgson Burnett|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1327868556l/3008._SY75_.jpg|1313599] wrote books about adults? I didn't. In fact, I'm not really sure where I found out about it, but I'm glad I did, even though it has its downsides. Those, unfortunately, include an old-fashioned amount of foreshadowing, some melodramatics, a questionable amount of negativity towards the British upper class(I mean, they're people too) and an incredibly stuck-up neighbor.

But Burnett's exploration of the psychological effects of abuse is stunningly accurate. Her astute observations, through Betty's eyes, are something you wouldn't expect in a book written in 1907. Nor would you expect it to be Betty, a woman, to be the one rushing off to help the lady in distress. This is, for its time, a remarkably feminist book---highlighting both the rampant issues facing women in that time-period(difficulty in proving abuse, loss of children due to divorce, public scandal, and ruined reputations) and the slowly expanding opportunities they were being given(education, business, and humanitarian work).

Also given a re-worked treatment is the topic of attempted rape. During my graduate work, I read Samuel Richardson's [b:Clarissa, or, the History of a Young Lady|529243|Clarissa, or, the History of a Young Lady|Samuel Richardson|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1373639647l/529243._SY75_.jpg|2767990] (spare yourself, if you can). Clarissa, as blameless as she is, spends a lot of time fainting, losing her mind, and blaming herself. None of that is present here. Betty attempts her own defense, first physically and then, when given a chance, outsmarts him with her own wit.

It was, in its way, a refreshingly honest and unexpectedly true-to-life view of real issues. No glossing over period ills here. I suspect, just from a glance, that some of this stemmed from Burnett's own life experiences. Which is why I finished the book in spite of the rather pointed negative observations, both stated and unstated, regarding the Americans, the British, and the upper class. Because Burnett was familiar with both countries and the most qualified, yet compassionate, critiques often come from those who are members of the critiqued group. ( )
  OutOfTheBestBooks | Sep 24, 2021 |
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No man knew when the Shuttle began its slow and heavy weaving from shore to shore, that it was held and guided by the great hand of Fate.
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Classic Literature. Fiction. HTML:

If you're tired of Victorian heroines who are weak-willed, simpleminded, and utterly incapable of looking out for themselves, you simply must make the acquaintance of Bettina Vanderpoel, the refreshingly shrewd, independent, and level-headed protagonist of Frances Hodgson Burnett's novel The Shuttle. In the early twentieth century, America's nouveau riche families began to marry off their daughters to British aristocrats, and many of these matches were doomed before they even began by intractable cultural differences. When Betty sets off across the pond to rescue her sister Rosalie from one such ill-fated match, the novel really kicks into high gear.


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