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Dog and Bear: Three to Get Ready

Tekijä: Laura Vaccaro Seeger

Sarjat: Dog and Bear

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715377,573 (3.44)-
Bear has a bucket stuck on his head, but luckily, Dog has a plan. It's not a perfect plan, but in this and two other stories, imperfect plans still work out when good friends help each other.

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näyttää 5/5
Dog and Bear: Three to Get Ready is about two friends, a dog and a bear, who get into various shenanigans while spending time together. The central message is about friendship and helping one another out. When Bear gets a bucket stuck on his head, Dog helps him out (only to end up with the bucket stuck on his own head). In another adventure, Bear sees Dog jumping somewhat dangerously on a bouncy bed and, therefore, quickly places pillows and blankets on the floor for Dog's inevitable fall. In each of the three scenarios in the book, Dog and Bear help each other through different predicaments and have fun doing so. ( )
  AlexSweeney | Feb 15, 2017 |
In my opinion, this is a really good book. The illustrations enhanced the short story remarkably. The author did all the illustrations, so the connection between the text and illustrations were so unique then all the other books I saw. The characters were very believable, as they are 2 best friends that have to face different situations. The plot was also very organized, yet had a lot of conflict that the Dog and Bear had to overcome. For example, in this book a bucket is stuck on Bear’s head, which means that Dog has to save the day. I think that the main idea of this story is friendship. Dog and Bear have an incredible friendship that gets put to the test during the book. They are always there for each other and willing to help out their friend. This is a great friendship for the students in a classroom to model! ( )
  mennis2 | Apr 12, 2016 |
Three more fun and friendly stories from the "Dog and Bear" series, with which I am quickly falling in love. Follow along with your young reader or read aloud to someone just starting out and be prepared for a "super special" time. ( )
  cabaty | Nov 1, 2015 |
While I'm a huge fan of [a:Laura Vaccaro Seeger's|99360|Laura Vaccaro Seeger|/assets/nophoto/nophoto-U-50x66-251a730d696018971ef4a443cdeaae05.jpg] art - her books are just so amazingly engineered - this one left me luke warm. First of all, as I leafed through the first few pages, I wasn't quite sure what type of book this was: Was it a book for toddlers? Was it an early reader? I'm still not sure, even if the subtitle - Three to Get Ready - is probably supposed to serve as a hint (ready for what?). I myself missed that hint and was actually halfway into the second story of the book when I realized the first story had ended and I was now reading a different one for my child. Nevertheless, my child seemed to enjoy it, not that he laughed out loud or anything, but he requested to get the two other books from the series when he saw them on the back cover ... ( )
  Fjola | Oct 17, 2013 |
Dog and Bear is a fun story of two friends playing and being silly. This book relays the ideas to the reader about being organized and cleaning up the toys, pulling a bucket(tooth) with string on a door, and being careful when roughhousing and jumping on the bed. All these things relate to things a young child would be experiencing. The illustrations represent the text well and stimulate the imagination.
  nathanmannn | Jun 8, 2010 |
näyttää 5/5
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Bear has a bucket stuck on his head, but luckily, Dog has a plan. It's not a perfect plan, but in this and two other stories, imperfect plans still work out when good friends help each other.

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