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The Dog's Mind: Understanding Your Dog's Behavior (Howell Reference Books) (1990)

Tekijä: Bruce Fogle

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2105130,118 (3.65)-
What is your dog really thinking? How do dogs see the world about them? How do they hear, learn and relate to their owners? Why do they suffer from stress and anxiety, and how can we help them cope? The Dog's Mind is the answer to all your questions on how the canine mind works. Engaging, entertaining and essential, this book is not only the key text of many dog behaviour diploma and degree courses, but also a joyful and insightful read for any dog owner. Combining almost 50 years of practical experience as a veterinarian with an extensive understanding of the relevant research, Dr Bruce Fogle has written the definitive book for anyone who wants to understand their dog.… (lisätietoja)

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This is one of the very first books I got about dog behavior. The book is both scientific and entertaining. It covers a little bit of obedience training at the end but it is mostly concerned about the way dogs behave and relate to their environment and their mental development and senses.

If you really want to know how your dog relates and views the world around itself this is the book for you. ( )
  Mark_Oszoli | Oct 22, 2014 |
I found this book to be an excellent and indispensable resource on how best to communicate with your dog. The author is a devoted canine-lover but acknowledges that behavioral cues in the primate world and canine world are very different. Dogs do not understand English, and we don't understand Doglish! For example, what passes as affection (hugging your dog, especially around the head) in the primate world is an act of hostility in the canine world. I highly recommend this book. ( )
  craigkay | Oct 4, 2012 |
Goes into great depth, such as the genetic development of dogs, but still has practical information about caring for a dog. Well referenced too. ( )
  johnleach | Sep 20, 2010 |
Zeer compleet boek over het organisme hond. ( )
  aknol | Oct 30, 2009 |
The Dog's Mind "Quite simply this is an excellent book. It is well-written, with snatches of dry humour. It should be mandatory reading for anybody who keeps a dog or has intentions of so doing." R. W. F. Poole, Daily Telegraph How do dogs perceive the world about ( )
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  cdiemert | Jul 30, 2017 |
näyttää 5/5
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What is your dog really thinking? How do dogs see the world about them? How do they hear, learn and relate to their owners? Why do they suffer from stress and anxiety, and how can we help them cope? The Dog's Mind is the answer to all your questions on how the canine mind works. Engaging, entertaining and essential, this book is not only the key text of many dog behaviour diploma and degree courses, but also a joyful and insightful read for any dog owner. Combining almost 50 years of practical experience as a veterinarian with an extensive understanding of the relevant research, Dr Bruce Fogle has written the definitive book for anyone who wants to understand their dog.

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