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National Service: Diary of a Decade

Tekijä: Richard Eyre

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381655,185 (4.21)-
During the ten years from 1987 to 1997 that he was the Director of the National Theatre, Richard Eyre kept a diary - a record that disarmingly captured a life at the heart of British cultural and political affairs. The powerful and the famous inevitably strut and fret upon its pages, but National Service is also a moving personal journey, charted faithfully by a fiercely self-aware and frequently self-doubting individual. The job of grappling with a giant three-headed monster as complex as the Royal National Theatre is laid before us. So are good gossip, brilliant insights into personalities and relationships and a sense of the ridiculous, which Eyre is powerless to suppress. Like other consummate diarists such as Alan Clark and Kenneth Tynan, Richard Eyre has a voice and a point of view that jolt the reader into fresh understanding - and are instantly compelling.… (lisätietoja)

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Superb set of diaries by Richard Eyre of his time running the National Theatre, bringing together the financial, cultural and political challenges of that job, but emphasising along the way the broad minded and informed approach he brought. Not 'intellectual' but admirable for his breadth of vision and immersion in the underpinnings of our society. ( )
  ponsonby | Jul 11, 2010 |
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During the ten years from 1987 to 1997 that he was the Director of the National Theatre, Richard Eyre kept a diary - a record that disarmingly captured a life at the heart of British cultural and political affairs. The powerful and the famous inevitably strut and fret upon its pages, but National Service is also a moving personal journey, charted faithfully by a fiercely self-aware and frequently self-doubting individual. The job of grappling with a giant three-headed monster as complex as the Royal National Theatre is laid before us. So are good gossip, brilliant insights into personalities and relationships and a sense of the ridiculous, which Eyre is powerless to suppress. Like other consummate diarists such as Alan Clark and Kenneth Tynan, Richard Eyre has a voice and a point of view that jolt the reader into fresh understanding - and are instantly compelling.

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