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A Visitor's Guide to South Georgia

Tekijä: Sally Poncet

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
1311,535,541 (4.33)-
This is the only illustrated guide specifically tailored to the needs of visitors to this remote and captivating part of the world, and it is the ideal book for armchair naturalists. A Visitor's Guide to South Georgia features hundreds of color photographs of the diverse wildlife and breathtaking scenery to be found at this unique tourist destination. It includes extensive and up-to-date coverage of all wildlife groups--from albatrosses and petrels to seals and penguins--as well as color maps and detailed information for the 23 key visitor sites. This stunning photographic guide describes the history, geology, and culture of South Georgia. It also provides a checklist of all fauna and flora as well as valuable tips for visitors to the islands, and the book's wirebound format enables it to fold out flat for easy use in a water-protective holder. Features hundreds of photos Covers all wildlife groups Includes maps and information for the 23 key visitor sites Describes South Georgia's unique history, geology, and culture Provides a checklist of all fauna and flora Gives valuable tips for visitors… (lisätietoja)

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A definitive guide to visiting South Georgia as a visitor. Wildlife, history and geology are combined. ( )
  michaelwarr | Apr 3, 2014 |
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Viittaukset tähän teokseen muissa lähteissä.

Englanninkielinen Wikipedia (2)

This is the only illustrated guide specifically tailored to the needs of visitors to this remote and captivating part of the world, and it is the ideal book for armchair naturalists. A Visitor's Guide to South Georgia features hundreds of color photographs of the diverse wildlife and breathtaking scenery to be found at this unique tourist destination. It includes extensive and up-to-date coverage of all wildlife groups--from albatrosses and petrels to seals and penguins--as well as color maps and detailed information for the 23 key visitor sites. This stunning photographic guide describes the history, geology, and culture of South Georgia. It also provides a checklist of all fauna and flora as well as valuable tips for visitors to the islands, and the book's wirebound format enables it to fold out flat for easy use in a water-protective holder. Features hundreds of photos Covers all wildlife groups Includes maps and information for the 23 key visitor sites Describes South Georgia's unique history, geology, and culture Provides a checklist of all fauna and flora Gives valuable tips for visitors

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