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A Writer's San Francisco: A Guided Journey for the Creative Soul

Tekijä: Eric Maisel

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692386,994 (3)-
Every writer needs a simpatico environment to be productive, and what better place than that mecca of creativity, San Francisco? The city by the bay has been home to generations of writers, from Rudyard Kipling to Mark Twain to Armistead Maupin. In this lively book, Eric Maisel gives writers the guidance they need to take a literal or figurative soul-renewing sojourn to San Francisco. Maisel, one of America's foremost creativity coaches, explores the how and why of making an artistic pilgrimage to the city, including the pesky problem of finding the perfect pied-a-terre for writing that elusive masterpiece. Thirty individual essays profile the best sections of the city for pumping up the juices ("The View from Bernal Hill," "South of Market"), noted literati of the past ("Mark Twain and the Onion"), how to find the perfect landlord, dealing with those inspiration-inhibiting earthquake fears, and much more.… (lisätietoja)

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Please read my brief review here: http://realbooks4ever.tumblr.com/post/80746513500 ( )
  BooksOn23rd | Nov 25, 2015 |
Please read my brief review here: http://realbooks4ever.tumblr.com/post/80746513500 ( )
  BooksOn23rd | Nov 25, 2015 |
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Every writer needs a simpatico environment to be productive, and what better place than that mecca of creativity, San Francisco? The city by the bay has been home to generations of writers, from Rudyard Kipling to Mark Twain to Armistead Maupin. In this lively book, Eric Maisel gives writers the guidance they need to take a literal or figurative soul-renewing sojourn to San Francisco. Maisel, one of America's foremost creativity coaches, explores the how and why of making an artistic pilgrimage to the city, including the pesky problem of finding the perfect pied-a-terre for writing that elusive masterpiece. Thirty individual essays profile the best sections of the city for pumping up the juices ("The View from Bernal Hill," "South of Market"), noted literati of the past ("Mark Twain and the Onion"), how to find the perfect landlord, dealing with those inspiration-inhibiting earthquake fears, and much more.

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