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Requiem at the Refuge (2000)

Tekijä: Sister Carol Anne O'Marie

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
662405,428 (3.32)-
Fiction. Mystery. HTML:

In Sister Mary Helen's latest venture as an inadvertent detective, the elderly nun must make do without her even more elderly sidekick, Sister Eileen. Eileen has gone back to Ireland to be with her dying sister, so Mary Helen has no one with whom to share her fears when the head of St. Francis College dies suddenly and is replaced by the coldly efficient Sister Patricia. Surely, Mary Helen feels, she will be swept aside as too old in the "clean sweep" that Sister Patricia is famous for in the order.

To her rescue comes young Sister Anne, who runs the Refuge, a shelter for homeless women. When a woman from the Refuge is found murdered in the alley, Sister Mary Helen goes to work searching for clues.

In this, the ninth in the author's series featuring the genuinely lovable, independent, and sensible Sister Mary Helen, listeners will be happy to find that age doesn't seem to be slowing her down a bit.

… (lisätietoja)

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näyttää 2/2
Sister Mary Helen, fearful that a new head of St Francis College will replace her and force her to retire, she resigns her position to assist Sister Anne at The Refuge, a shelter for homeless women. Although Sister Anne herself first suggested the idea to Sister Mary Helen, she is still surprised the elderly nun accepted her offer to help out and she is worried it will prove to be too much for her. But it is Sister Mary Helen, who, upon finding a body on their doorstep, pursues the clues to track the killer, restoring a sense of safety to the women at the shelter. Author Sister Carol Anne O’Marie writes an interesting mystery that rings true with characters who seem real. Part of the charm of this series lies in the variety of the continuing characters, both old and young, professional detectives and committed nuns, who work together, sometimes by choice, sometimes brought together by circumstance, for the greater good. ( )
  Maydacat | Jul 29, 2012 |
When a new president takes over Mount Saint Francis College, Sister Mary Helen, afraid of losing her job, decides to quit her job and volunteer at a women's shelter with Sister Anne. The job is quite a change and challenge for Sister Mary Helen and she is tired but happy. Happy that is until she finds the badly beaten body of one of the young women who frequented the shelter. The last thing Sister Mary Helen wants is to be involved in yet another murder investigation, but she has no choice. The police are hoping to make a quick arrest but it soon becomes apparent that the case is far more complex than anyone realizes and Mary Helen's own life is in great danger.

"Requiem at the Refuge" is a delightful cozy mystery. Sister Mary Helen, a nun in her seventies, is a refreshing heroine who is willing to admit that she doesn't know everything. Author Sister Carol Anne O'Marie, a nun in real life, does a wonderful job depicting the seamier side of life and what life is like for prostitutes, former prostitutes, and their pimps. She also gives peeks into the life of the police investigating the case and I was as anxious as Kate Murphy to find out what was wrong with her partner Dennis Gallagher. The mystery itself is nicely plotted, with some gigantic red herrings, although it's pretty obvious all along who the murderer is. I was a bit perplexed as to why the murderer would so willingly turn over the murder weapon when it easily could have been hidden, but that's a minor quibble.

This was my first time reading a mystery featuring Sister Mary Helen, but it won't be my last. Nicely done. ( )
  drebbles | Jan 8, 2010 |
näyttää 2/2
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Fiction. Mystery. HTML:

In Sister Mary Helen's latest venture as an inadvertent detective, the elderly nun must make do without her even more elderly sidekick, Sister Eileen. Eileen has gone back to Ireland to be with her dying sister, so Mary Helen has no one with whom to share her fears when the head of St. Francis College dies suddenly and is replaced by the coldly efficient Sister Patricia. Surely, Mary Helen feels, she will be swept aside as too old in the "clean sweep" that Sister Patricia is famous for in the order.

To her rescue comes young Sister Anne, who runs the Refuge, a shelter for homeless women. When a woman from the Refuge is found murdered in the alley, Sister Mary Helen goes to work searching for clues.

In this, the ninth in the author's series featuring the genuinely lovable, independent, and sensible Sister Mary Helen, listeners will be happy to find that age doesn't seem to be slowing her down a bit.


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