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Tekijä: Jude Deveraux

Sarjat: Montgomery (6), Montgomery/Taggert (book 11)

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioMaininnat
768529,455 (3.62)4
Fiction. Literature. Romance. Historical Fiction. Jamie Montgomery, an impoverished Elizabethan knight, is elated when he is assigned to escort Axia, the Lancaster heiress, to the castle of her betrothed. If only she will fall in love with Jamie 00 as Jamie's devoted older sister predicts 00 the family's financial woes will be solved. But Axia, who has spent her life closely guarded by her father's servants, is not the shy, cossetted flower Jamie expects. She's a hoyden, hell-bent on enjoying her precious moments of liberty before her marriage to a man chosen by her remote, eccentric father. After curtly informing Jamie not to bother declaring his love for her â?? as all poor, handsome men seem wont to do â?? Axia makes his life a misery, sneaking off to the marketplace, nearly breaking her neck on a runaway horse, and doing everything possible to delay the trip. Though she dare not admit it, even to herself, Axia dreads being wed to a stranger. Suddenly Jamie realizes that he savors even her most barbed words life the rarest nectar..that he is falling desperately in love with this bold, maddening beauty. Now he must contrive a daring plan to win her freedom â?? and win her proud, defiant heart for… (lisätietoja)

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» Katso myös 4 mainintaa

10 ( )
  Lvkidsbooks | Nov 11, 2016 |
It's entertaining. There's a scene when heroine rides her first horse that is absolutely hilarious. But it's also kind of dumb and exaggerated and has a lot of plot oversights. ( )
  unfufu | Jul 13, 2016 |
The book was fun, funny, romantic, and filled with adventure. Axia is constantly up to hijinks that more times than not get her into trouble. Jamie is an honorable good hearted man trying to do what is best for his family and falling in love along the way. The family of Jamie and the friends of Axia were also very enjoyable to read about. This was a really good book. ( )
  SweetLiar | May 5, 2016 |
Good book, loved the adventure and the story plot.Most characters personalities were very well chosen.Over all, it falls under the large category of British romance novelsGood book none the less ( )
  mais3477 | Dec 27, 2010 |
I liked the idea of this story much better than the actual book. There's the potential for something good, but the execution is rather off. In true Deveraux style, there's an awkward throwing together of the lead characters, with that whole "I hate you, I love you" thing that is the bread and butter of this author's work. And the series of events from start to finish just don't read like a smooth story. The whole thing feels kind of silly, really. ( )
  TheBooknerd | Jul 19, 2010 |
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Fiction. Literature. Romance. Historical Fiction. Jamie Montgomery, an impoverished Elizabethan knight, is elated when he is assigned to escort Axia, the Lancaster heiress, to the castle of her betrothed. If only she will fall in love with Jamie 00 as Jamie's devoted older sister predicts 00 the family's financial woes will be solved. But Axia, who has spent her life closely guarded by her father's servants, is not the shy, cossetted flower Jamie expects. She's a hoyden, hell-bent on enjoying her precious moments of liberty before her marriage to a man chosen by her remote, eccentric father. After curtly informing Jamie not to bother declaring his love for her â?? as all poor, handsome men seem wont to do â?? Axia makes his life a misery, sneaking off to the marketplace, nearly breaking her neck on a runaway horse, and doing everything possible to delay the trip. Though she dare not admit it, even to herself, Axia dreads being wed to a stranger. Suddenly Jamie realizes that he savors even her most barbed words life the rarest nectar..that he is falling desperately in love with this bold, maddening beauty. Now he must contrive a daring plan to win her freedom â?? and win her proud, defiant heart for

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Arvio (tähdet)

Keskiarvo: (3.62)
1 2
1.5 1
2 9
2.5 2
3 46
3.5 5
4 50
4.5 2
5 24


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