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Marooned on Mars (1952)

Tekijä: Lester del Rey

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1075255,814 (3.13)5
Chuck Svenson was a citizen of the Moon - and proud of it! To him, Earth, with its heavy atmosphere, even though it was the "mother" planet, was not the best place in the universe to live. As he rocketed back home from a blast off at a point high in the Andes, he anxiously looked forward to the reception he'd receive at Moon City. For he was the only citizen from Earth's satellite to be selected by the United Nations' interplanetary commission as a crew member for the first ship to attempt a flight from the Moon to Mars. How Chuck learned that his orders had been changed, that he was to be replaced by an earthling, started a chain of dramatic and thrilling events that ended in the weird and torturous catacombs of Mars. For the spunky teen-ager would not be cheated of the universe's greatest adventure! When the Mars-bound ship rose, on a pillar of flame above the desolate lunar landscape, it carried a stowaway in its hold. What Chuck's extra weight meant to the carefully figured fuel supply, the ship's crash landing on a "lifeless" planet, the disappearance of vitally needed tools from the vicinity of the stricken ship-fill these pages with suspense and mystery. A story of bizarre adventure, MAROONED ON MARS is also the tense personal drama of a young man who shoulders the responsibility for stranding his shipmates. In a breath-taking climax, near the ruins of a long-lost civilization that suddenly comes alive with rodent-like Martians, Chuck proves the courage and bravery of one young "citizen of the Moon!"… (lisätietoja)

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näyttää 5/5
En esta novela, de un futuro no muy lejano, se relatan las hazañas de un grupo de expedicionarios que emprenden un viaje hacia lo incógnito. Desde la base instalada en la Luna, parte el Eros en dirección al planeta Marte, uno de nuestros vecinos más próximos y el que más atención nos ha despertado desde hace muchos años.
Viaja como polizón en la nave espacial el joven Chuck Svensen, a quien han rechazado a último momento, y cuyo arrojo y valentía quedan probados en las aventuras extraordinarias que ha de pasar tanto en el espacio como en el planeta rojo, donde él es uno de los primeros en comunicarse con los extraños seres que lo habitan.
  Natt90 | Mar 21, 2023 |
It was pretty OK as far as old fashioned Sci-Fi goes. I certainly preferred the Heinlein Juveniles which I had just finished up before picking this one up.

An earthling raised on the Moon is selected to be one of the first men to fly to Mars, by the UN (which now is the only government that matters in like 1990 or something). But they shift the date of launch to prior to his 18th birthday so he's not allowed to go. The Chinese are happy because they can send an American Chinaman instead. Our hero sneaks aboard, and all is happy. Until they land on mars, and they land hard and break the ship, they will all day. An extra mouth to feed doesn't help. They spend all their time trying to fix the ship and don't get to go find Martians, until the Martians find them. ( )
  fulner | Jun 20, 2022 |
Si torna ancora su Marte! Ecco una buona notizia per gli aficionados del rosso pianeta e dei romanzi che ne trattano! Ma ne "Il clandestino dell'astronave" i cultori di Urania affrontano per la prima volta il problema degli abitanti di Marte. Esistono veramente creature intelligenti e incivilite sul pianeta agonizzante? Un gelido vento ne spazza le distese desertiche, facendo rabbrividire i licheni e la misera vegetazione che stenta sul terreno sabbioso; l'aria è troppo sottile per qualunque vita animale e, quando un gruppo di audaci pionieri vi si avventura, un sepolcrale silenzio li accoglie e li terrorizza. pare che la natura, violata in uno dei suoi misteri, voglia inesorabilmente vendicarsi; poi, nell'allucinante scenario di un mondo sconosciuto, giù giù nei suoi recessi più profondi, il tormentoso interrogativo trova risposta. Vibrante d'incontenibile energia un giovane eroe lunare, già figlio della terra, si inserisce nella trama del racconto e vive la sua più strabiliante avventura. Su tutto, Marte giganteggia: il pianeta sembra deserto agli astronauti che riescono a giungervi. Sembra ... ma il pianeta è veramente misterioso e non delude chi voglia esplorarlo ...
  M.Antonia | Mar 10, 2021 |
Månen og Mars, ca 1960.
Indeholder kapitlerne "1. Som blind passager til Mars", "2. Alle mand på plads", "3. Meteorer", "4. Mars i sigte", "5. Nødlandet på Mars", "6. En ny verden", "7. Fanget", "8. Øjne i mørket", "9. De mystiske kanaler", "10. Vær på vagt", "11. Velkommen", "12. Marsfolkene", "13. Forsvundet i hulerne", "14. En races undergang", "15. Marsfolkets tak".
Charles Svenson, kaldet Chuck, sniger sig ombord på det første rumskib til Mars, fordi rejsetidspunktet er fremrykket og han så ikke må være med, fordi han lige akkurat ikke er fyldt 25 år.

Kaptajn Miles Vance, Ginger Parsons, Nat Rothman, Lew Wong, Dick Steele, Chuck og doktor Paul Sokolsky er på vej til Mars med det atomdrevne rumskib Aros, da det bliver ramt af en stor meteor. De laver nogle nødreparationer, men landingen på Mars bliver meget hård og det er ikke sikkert at de kan få skibet repareret i tide til at kunne komme hjem igen. Reparationerne tager det meste af deres tid, men fristunderne bruger de på at udforske området omkring raketten. De opdager nogle meget nøjsomme planter som vokser i meget lange striber. Striberne med vegetation ligner sikkert kanaler set fra Jorden. Der er også nogle intelligente beboere på Mars og de driller Chuck og de andre ved at snuppe ting fra dem. Nogle af tingene som svejseapparater har jordboerne hårdt brug for til at reparere rumskibet, så de er nødt til at forsøge at få dem igen.
Marsboerne er ret intelligente, men der er ikke meget energi eller råstoffer tilbage på Mars, så derfor er de meget interesserede i svejseapparater og andre ting til at bearbejde metaller.
Chuck forsøger at sætte en fælde, så de kan kigge nærmere på marsboerne, men han ender med selv at blive fanget. Det er lidt kritisk, for atmosfæren på Mars er så tynd at de enten må bruge iltflasker eller en kompressionspumpe for at holde sig i live. Marsboernes leder Sptz-Rrll bliver taknemmelig over at Chuck har repareret en pumpe, der var gået i stykker, og derfor sætter han Chuck fri og sammen med halvtreds andre marsboere hjælper han med at få raketten repareret. Som gengæld giver jordboerne en masse af de ting, de godt kan undvære.

Historien er lidt Rasmus-Klump-agtig. Chuck og hans venner drager på togt til et fremmed sted, kommer i knibe men bliver hjulpet, fordi de selv er rare og venlige mod dem, der bor på det fremmede sted. Til sidst kommer de hjem igen og får pandekager.
I originalversionen er Chuck 18 år og rumskibet hedder Eros. Gad vide hvorfor det er ændret? ( )
  bnielsen | Oct 9, 2014 |
My edition is the Paperback Library 1967, which shows a copyright date of 1962. It explains a lot that the novel was actually one of the Winston Science Fiction Series books originally published in 1952.
The novel is set in a recognizable world of the future as envisaged in the early '50s. There's a benevolent world government and a thriving colony on the moon and atomic rockets but no spaceship has yet reached Mars. The eighteen year old hero is bumped by bureaucratics and political wrangling from his position on the first Mars expedition and he stows away aboard. From there on it's metorites, crash landing and the danger of, possibly malevolent, Martian life.
This version of Mars has an atmosphere containing oxygen but too thin to breathe. The "canals" are explained in a believable way which leaves an interesting mystery and there is evidence of past civilization.
It's mildly entertaining, being the least interesting of the four Lester Del Rey juveniles I have read.
  thingmaker | Jun 6, 2008 |
näyttää 5/5
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Chuck Svenson was a citizen of the Moon - and proud of it! To him, Earth, with its heavy atmosphere, even though it was the "mother" planet, was not the best place in the universe to live. As he rocketed back home from a blast off at a point high in the Andes, he anxiously looked forward to the reception he'd receive at Moon City. For he was the only citizen from Earth's satellite to be selected by the United Nations' interplanetary commission as a crew member for the first ship to attempt a flight from the Moon to Mars. How Chuck learned that his orders had been changed, that he was to be replaced by an earthling, started a chain of dramatic and thrilling events that ended in the weird and torturous catacombs of Mars. For the spunky teen-ager would not be cheated of the universe's greatest adventure! When the Mars-bound ship rose, on a pillar of flame above the desolate lunar landscape, it carried a stowaway in its hold. What Chuck's extra weight meant to the carefully figured fuel supply, the ship's crash landing on a "lifeless" planet, the disappearance of vitally needed tools from the vicinity of the stricken ship-fill these pages with suspense and mystery. A story of bizarre adventure, MAROONED ON MARS is also the tense personal drama of a young man who shoulders the responsibility for stranding his shipmates. In a breath-taking climax, near the ruins of a long-lost civilization that suddenly comes alive with rodent-like Martians, Chuck proves the courage and bravery of one young "citizen of the Moon!"

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