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The Breastfeeding Mother's Guide to Making More Milk: Foreword by Martha Sears, RN

Tekijä: Diana West

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1521181,853 (4.33)-
Concerned about making enough milk for your baby? Wondering how to make more? Two lactation experts are here to help. Separate fact from fiction with help from this comprehensive book about improving low milk supply. Written by two leading experts who have been there themselves and officially recommended by La Leche League International, The Breastfeeding Mother's Guide to Making More Milk incorporates the latest research and discoveries about causes of low milk supply, the way your body makes milk, and how babies contribute to your milk production. Best of all, you'll find valuable suggestions for both time-honored and innovative ways to make more milk. Learn the facts about: Determining if baby is really getting enough milk Supplementing without decreasing your supply Maximizing the amount of milk you can make Identifying the causes of your low supply Increasing your supply with the most effective methods, including pumping, herbs, medications, foods, and alternative therapies Making more milk when you return to work, exclusively pump, have a premie or multiples, relactate, or induce lactation… (lisätietoja)

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Great resource for breast-feeding mothers. ( )
  jenspeaks | Jun 5, 2009 |
ei arvosteluja | lisää arvostelu
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Englanninkielinen Wikipedia (1)

Concerned about making enough milk for your baby? Wondering how to make more? Two lactation experts are here to help. Separate fact from fiction with help from this comprehensive book about improving low milk supply. Written by two leading experts who have been there themselves and officially recommended by La Leche League International, The Breastfeeding Mother's Guide to Making More Milk incorporates the latest research and discoveries about causes of low milk supply, the way your body makes milk, and how babies contribute to your milk production. Best of all, you'll find valuable suggestions for both time-honored and innovative ways to make more milk. Learn the facts about: Determining if baby is really getting enough milk Supplementing without decreasing your supply Maximizing the amount of milk you can make Identifying the causes of your low supply Increasing your supply with the most effective methods, including pumping, herbs, medications, foods, and alternative therapies Making more milk when you return to work, exclusively pump, have a premie or multiples, relactate, or induce lactation

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