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If I Ran the School

Tekijä: Bruce Lansky

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
997621,026 (3.62)-
Bruce Lansky has written five new poems for this book and selected nineteen others from some of his favorite poets, including Jack Prelutsky, Kenn Nesbitt, Ted Scheu, and Robert Pottle.

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Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 6) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
  lcslibrarian | Aug 13, 2020 |
Summary: The book includes poems done by various authors about school. It includes poems about annoying teachers and how teachers can annoy students. It includes sick days clear too homework.
  NMiller22 | Aug 10, 2019 |
Bibliographic Information: Introduced by Bruce Lanksy, “If I Ran the School”, Illustrated by Stephen Carpenter and Mike Gordon, Published by Scholastic Inc., ©2005, 32 pages
Genre: Poetry
Summary: The book includes poems done by varies authors about school. It includes poems about annoying teachers and how teachers can annoy students. It includes sick days clear too homework.
Tags: School, Fun, Hilarious
My Response: I thought this book full of poems was very funny. I thought of school well reading this and could relate to a lot of the stuff in the book. I wish I would have known some of the stuff in the book when I was in the school though too. I think this would be a good book to read in school to students I think they would really like it.
  EmilyBascio | May 5, 2014 |
Author Bruce Lansky
Title My teacher see's right through me
Illustrator Stephen Carpenter
Publisher Scholastic
Date 2005
Pages 22

Summary: The poem I read out of this book was called my teacher see's right through me. This poem is about this kid who didn't do his homework the teacher asks him why he didn't do his homework and this boy comes up with all these excuses on why he did not do his homework. At the middle of the poem the kid says he had chores to do and the teacher goes no you didn't you watched tv. Come to find out his teacher was his dad! That is how the teacher knew the kid watched tv.

Tags or subject headings would be very clever. The relationship of your parent was your teacher.

My response: I thought this poem was real clever. I am glad I don't have parents that were ever my teacher I think that would just be weird they would get to see how you act in school also. I chuckled when I got to the end of this poem just because his dad was his teacher I was like oh man that has to stink. ( )
  Mihalevich | Apr 18, 2014 |
I couldn't stop laughing while reading this book and I felt compelled to share it with my teenage sons. They enjoyed the poems as much as I did. I was surprised to see there were so many poems relating to modern devices such as iPods and camera phones, but having the poems up to date with current times made it even more enjoyable. Not all of the poems are written by the author but have been chosen by him but they are all hilarious.

Some of the poems sounded just like stories or phrases my children have used in the past, only better because they rhyme!

I think if I was a late-elementary grade or middle school teacher, I would write one of these poems a week on the board for all to enjoy, or get permission to have some of them included in the school newspaper or yearbook. As an assignment, the students could write their own humorous poems or write short essays over why they can relate to certain poems.
  juliehrbacek | Mar 19, 2011 |
Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 6) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
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Bruce Lansky has written five new poems for this book and selected nineteen others from some of his favorite poets, including Jack Prelutsky, Kenn Nesbitt, Ted Scheu, and Robert Pottle.

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