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The Fire's Stone

Tekijä: Tanya Huff

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioMaininnat
5991339,857 (3.95)29
Fantasy. Fiction. HTML:It was a long fall from Clan Heir to common thief, but Aaron never wanted any part of his father's brutal outlander reign. In fact, besides coin purses and jewels, there's very little in all of Cisali that interests Aaron, until he stumblesâ??quite literallyâ??into a prince's bedchamber...
Prince Davish of Ischia is a skilled swordsman both on the field and beneath the sheets, at least when he isn't outrageously drunk. But the wine helps him forget all the ways he's disappointed his father, his family, and soon enough, his young bride-to-be...
A trained Wizard of the Nine with more raw talent than real-world experience, Princess Chandra has no interest in the politically arranged marriage. She flees to the royal city of Ischia seeking a way out of the union. But there, she discovers something far more shocking than Prince Davish's rakish reputation...
The Stone of Ischia has been stolen. A powerful talisman, The Stone protects the city from the active volcano that looms over its terraces and streets. Without it, Ischia will be destroyed and the kingdom of Cisali will fall. Its only hope is an unlikely band of heroesâ??a failed thief, a drunken prince, and a runaway wizardâ??who must face pirates, powerful magic, and their own carefully guarded secrets in order to find and restore the Stone of Ischia.
"The delightful camarderie of three unlikely heroes and well controlled fantasy elements make Huff's adventure great fun to read." â??Publishers Weekly
"Huff arranges the ordinary elements of fantasy into an extraordinary tale of adventure and transformation." â??Library Journal
"An exciting adventure ... they face pirates, storms, traitors ... each has unique talents that can bring their mission to a successful conclusion, each has weakness that could destroy themselves and a city of people
… (lisätietoja)

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» Katso myös 29 mainintaa

Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 12) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
I'm vacillating between three and four stars. On the one hand the characters are lovely and the writing is good, on the other hand the story is a bit, I don't know, too easy I suppose. Three people pretty much struggle with the same emotional problems: all of them have to stand up to their parents in some way. And in the end, they all manage to do it and save the day while they are at it. It's just a bit too neatly tied up. And they all live happily ever after. A bit too much fairy tale to be four stars, but still a very pleasant read and one I'm sure I'll return to at some point. ( )
  zjakkelien | Jan 2, 2024 |
This was an excellent fantasy that combines "coming of age" with coming into self. There are three main characters who are all struggling to find their place in the world.

Aaron is a thief who is likely clinically depressed and who is just looking for a way to die. When he enters the room of an old woman, he meets someone who becomes a friend and a mentor. But when she dies, he sets off on a plan to steal the jewel on the head of the ruler's staff which she carved as a suitable grave gift. And if he dies, oh well.

Prince Davish is the third son who doesn't have a role in the kingdom or the interest or respect of his father. He fills his time becoming an excellent swordsman, a full-time drunk, and an indiscriminate lover of men and women. He surprises himself when he rescues a failed thief from the torture chamber overseen by his younger twin siblings.

Princess Chandra is a Wizard of the Nine, powerful and rather naive. She has been abandoned emotionally by her grief-stricken father who can't get over the loss of his wife. She thinks her only value is as a wizard. She's determined not to marry which she feels with dilute her power. When her father plans a marriage with Prince Davish, she is not at all in favor and is determined to see Davish to convince him that they won't suit.

However, since someone has stolen the Stone which keeps the volcano the kingdom is built on from exploding, their personal problems will have to wait. When Davish and Aaron are sent to recover the Stone and Chandra tags along, they have a chance to learn a lot about each other and themselves when battling pirates, a churning sea, and a magician who doesn't want to give up the Stone.

I really enjoyed this story which was ably narrated by Bill Hensel. ( )
  kmartin802 | Feb 2, 2023 |
Tanya Huff has written an incredibly charming book with action, adventure, and a cast of likeable and nuanced characters. This book was my biggest surprise of the year as I wasn't expecting it to have so much depth and emotion in such a thin little volume. A new addition to my favourites, for sure.

The plotline is standard fantasy fare-- a team consisting of a thief, a swordsman, and a wizard set off on a mission to retrieve a stolen magical item that is needed to keep a city from total destruction-- but it's the characters that really stand out. Aaron, the suicidal thief, can't get over the trauma of his cousin's death and struggles with his sexuality; a third son and prince Darvish is an alcoholic and sleeps around constantly, in order to cope with his life at court; Darvish's betrothed Chandra is hurt by her father's neglect and only wants to become a great Wizard of the Nine. Each of them has their own demons to face and the author writes it all with a lot of empathy and understanding. I really loved seeing how each of the three main characters undergo their own growths and transformations through the course of the book.

I also really liked how Huff is so inclusive of diversity in this book. The whole story is set in a Middle Eastern-flavoured society where no one bats an eyelash at non-hetero sexualities-- Darvish is a brown-skinned bisexual guy, Chandra has no interest in romance at all (I read her as asexual), and Aaron is pretty much the only white character in the entire book. Also, the outcome of the romantic relationship, which was a little unconventional, was very sweet and very fitting. ( )
  serru | Oct 6, 2022 |
This book has a terrible title that doesn't remotely convey what the story is about. I actually own it in a double edition with [b:Gate of Darkness, Circle of Light|338139|Gate of Darkness, Circle of Light |Tanya Huff|http://d.gr-assets.com/books/1309283366s/338139.jpg|328546], which has the same problem.

So I always forget about it after I put it back on the shelf - my eyes skip right over it when I'm looking for something to read.

Then at some point, I pull it down again, because nothing else appeals and I have some vague recollection of having liked it better than I'd expected to, and am drawn in by the characters all over again.

Aaron the thief, Darvish the prince, and Chandra the wizard (in order of appearance) each have their own angst, insecurities, and unresolved issues that make their lives hard. In the course of the political intrigue and adventure that carries the story and the characters along, those issues, and the relationships among the three of them, are gradually resolved, rather sweetly, with enough wry humor to keep from cloying, with a non-traditional happy ending.
( )
  VictoriaGaile | Oct 16, 2021 |
Three people, a drunk prince, a quiet thief and an arrogant wizard, start a journey together to save their city from certain death.
-Captivating Fantasy story-telling
-Queer (and a hint of Poly) romance
-Adventure & Redemption
-Resolving their own issues and traumas in a captivating way that make you deeply care for the characters

All in all I’d say, give it a go! ( )
  Llyria | Jul 4, 2021 |
Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 12) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
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For Uncle Albert, who knows what family means.
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When the procession reached the edge of the volcano, the thief abandoned all dignity and began to scream.
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Englanninkielinen Wikipedia (1)

Fantasy. Fiction. HTML:It was a long fall from Clan Heir to common thief, but Aaron never wanted any part of his father's brutal outlander reign. In fact, besides coin purses and jewels, there's very little in all of Cisali that interests Aaron, until he stumblesâ??quite literallyâ??into a prince's bedchamber...
Prince Davish of Ischia is a skilled swordsman both on the field and beneath the sheets, at least when he isn't outrageously drunk. But the wine helps him forget all the ways he's disappointed his father, his family, and soon enough, his young bride-to-be...
A trained Wizard of the Nine with more raw talent than real-world experience, Princess Chandra has no interest in the politically arranged marriage. She flees to the royal city of Ischia seeking a way out of the union. But there, she discovers something far more shocking than Prince Davish's rakish reputation...
The Stone of Ischia has been stolen. A powerful talisman, The Stone protects the city from the active volcano that looms over its terraces and streets. Without it, Ischia will be destroyed and the kingdom of Cisali will fall. Its only hope is an unlikely band of heroesâ??a failed thief, a drunken prince, and a runaway wizardâ??who must face pirates, powerful magic, and their own carefully guarded secrets in order to find and restore the Stone of Ischia.
"The delightful camarderie of three unlikely heroes and well controlled fantasy elements make Huff's adventure great fun to read." â??Publishers Weekly
"Huff arranges the ordinary elements of fantasy into an extraordinary tale of adventure and transformation." â??Library Journal
"An exciting adventure ... they face pirates, storms, traitors ... each has unique talents that can bring their mission to a successful conclusion, each has weakness that could destroy themselves and a city of people

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