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Life Is So Good

Tekijä: George Dawson

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioMaininnat
7122332,449 (3.94)13
Mr. Dawson, a 101-year-old man who learned to read when he was 98, shares his life story and his "insights into humanity, history, America ... parenting ... [and] attitude."--Jacket.

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» Katso myös 13 mainintaa

Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 23) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
This is one of the best books to read if you are feeling down. He has such a wonderful perspective on life and happiness. A memoir from a 104 yr old man about his wanderings and life. We read it for our bookclub awhile back and think everyone enjoyed it. ( )
  panamamama | Aug 2, 2022 |
George Dawson was an amazing man. He was such a hard worker, and enjoyed life's smaller pleasures. If everyone was as good a man as he was, the world would be a much better place. Oh and the book was pretty good too. ( )
  astronomist | Oct 3, 2021 |
Please don't let the first chapter put you off of this book. Skip Chapter One. Go on to Chapter Two. It won't interfere in the flow or understanding. You may find Chapter One easier to read after you have finished the other chapters. ( )
  Doranms | Jul 7, 2021 |
Very good, made me cry in places and laugh in others ( )
  shawnee64 | Nov 23, 2017 |
George was a true man of strength, determination, and bravery! His life was just as extraordinary as he was. Mr. George learned to read literally, but I felt as though he had learned how to read life and people very well during his 100+ years on this earth. This book helps students learn about life as an uneducated person and how hard you have to work in life. This book is great for 5th thru 12th grade. ( )
  augustaspors | May 8, 2017 |
Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 23) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
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Englanninkielinen Wikipedia


Mr. Dawson, a 101-year-old man who learned to read when he was 98, shares his life story and his "insights into humanity, history, America ... parenting ... [and] attitude."--Jacket.

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Keskiarvo: (3.94)
0.5 1
1 2
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2 8
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3 25
3.5 6
4 50
4.5 5
5 46

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