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The Shattered Rose

Tekijä: Jo Beverley

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioMaininnat
2292119,061 (3.56)12
Fiction. Romance. Historical Fiction. HTML:"This book certainly does NOT fit the usual romance formula, and is the better for it!" ~Suzanne G.
When Galeran of Heywood returns from the Crusades, longing for his wife, Jehanne, he finds his castle under siege and his wife alone with a child that is not his own.
Seeing Galeran alive was all Jehanne ever hoped for. But credible rumors of Galeran's death wrought dangerous folly that Jehanne never expected when they kissed goodbye three years prior.
Now enemies from church and state hover, looking for spoils, and Galeran and Jehanne must decide: find a way to forgive each other and fight together, or allow others to orchestrate their fate.
From the Publisher: Readers with a passion for history will appreciate the author's penchant for detail and accuracy. Fans of Elizabeth Chadwick, Bernard Cornwell and Philippa Gregory as well as Tamara Leigh and Suzan Tisdale will appreciate this medieval romance.
"...a powerful, thought-provoking romance." ~Romantic Times
"An entertaining, original read." ~The Romance Reader
"Readers who enjoy stories that have The Crusades as a backdrop will appreciate Ms. Beverley's fine romance." ~A Romance Review.
… (lisätietoja)

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näyttää 2/2
Jo Beverley is usually one of my favorites, a gold standard in the genre. I associate her with intelligence, sharp wit, historical accuracy...not to mention dreamy, sexy heroes and exciting, spicy plots.

But The Shattered Rose? It's not that she's abandoned historical accuracy, just that the wealth of detail that usually colors her novels so richly is absent here....in fact, the writing is unusually bland.

And while there's no sense in trying to imitate medieval speech, why - oh why! - is this book chock full of contemporary idiomatic speech that conveys attitudes and sentiments that would have been unfamiliar or impossible during the middle ages?

And the plot - and the characters - the last thing that I would have expected was a romance about an intelligent, strong-willed, independent woman who turns into a miserable, nasty shrew because she can't have children. I have had enough of romance novels about women who think their lives are ruined because they are barren. Especially when the author goes out of her way to create a hero who is understanding, sympathetic, and willing to look for alternate solutions!

I really appreciate the sincere love between the Jehanne and Galeran, and although it's clear that they have a lot of issues to work out, the novel has no forward momentum. It doesn't have that heart-stopping tension, it doesn't propel you forward with the looming fear that somehow, Jehanne and Galeran might be driven apart. No. From the beginning, it's pretty clear that Jehanne and Galeran will both do whatever is in their power to stay together and it's just a matter of how. ( )
  MlleEhreen | Apr 3, 2013 |
näyttää 2/2
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Fiction. Romance. Historical Fiction. HTML:"This book certainly does NOT fit the usual romance formula, and is the better for it!" ~Suzanne G.
When Galeran of Heywood returns from the Crusades, longing for his wife, Jehanne, he finds his castle under siege and his wife alone with a child that is not his own.
Seeing Galeran alive was all Jehanne ever hoped for. But credible rumors of Galeran's death wrought dangerous folly that Jehanne never expected when they kissed goodbye three years prior.
Now enemies from church and state hover, looking for spoils, and Galeran and Jehanne must decide: find a way to forgive each other and fight together, or allow others to orchestrate their fate.
From the Publisher: Readers with a passion for history will appreciate the author's penchant for detail and accuracy. Fans of Elizabeth Chadwick, Bernard Cornwell and Philippa Gregory as well as Tamara Leigh and Suzan Tisdale will appreciate this medieval romance.
"...a powerful, thought-provoking romance." ~Romantic Times
"An entertaining, original read." ~The Romance Reader
"Readers who enjoy stories that have The Crusades as a backdrop will appreciate Ms. Beverley's fine romance." ~A Romance Review.

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Keskiarvo: (3.56)
1 1
2 3
3 18
3.5 2
4 10
5 9


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