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Vastavoimat (1999)

Tekijä: Danielle Steel

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Fiction. Literature. Romance. HTML:Danielle Steel's forty-seventh bestselling novel is very much about the tides of our times, changes and responsibilities in the workplace pull two people in different directions, sweeping them into new lives and changed worldsâ??â??.

Irresistible Forces

For fourteen years, Steve and Meredith Whitman have sustained a marriage of passion and friendship - despite the demands of two all-consuming careers.  Meredith, an investment banker, has achieved partnership in one of Wall Street's top firms.  Steve A gifted physician, chose an urban trauma ward over the big money he could have earned elsewhere.  The only thing missing in their lives is children.  Steve longs for them.  But Meredith keeps putting off motherhood, saying she isn't ready and doesn't have time.  Not yet.  Especially now that she has been offered an extraordinary opportunity, a chance to reach for the brass ring - in San Francisco, three thousand miles away.  Meredith is thrilled and surprised when Steve urges her to accept a top position at an exciting young high-tech company.  Traditionally, men's careers forces families to move to new cities, compelling their wives to abandon friends, home, and lives to follow.  But Steve is more than willing to uproot himself. Saying he'll join her as he can find a new job himself, they can begin their family at last.

Neither Steve nor Meredith had reckoned on the frustrations of a bi-coastal marriage, as Steve's job keeps him in New York for months longer than planned.  Weekends together, their lifeline, fall prey to their hectic schedules.  Alone in San Francisco, Meredith is spending long hours at the office with her boss, charismatic entrepreneur Callan Dow.  Steve working late shifts at the hospital, grabbing an occasional dinner with a new colleague, a doctor raising a daughter on her own.  Almost unnoticed, Steve and Meredith have begun living separate lives in increasingly separate worlds.  And despite the best of intentions, irresistible forces begin to tear their lives and hearts apart.

With unerring insight, Danielle Steel explores what happens when lives that fit together like delicately balanced puzzles are shifted, changed, and drift apart.  Only time can tell who and what they will become as life sweeps them onward and deposits them on new, sometimes frightening, and often exciting shores.  Who survives, is at the core of Irresistible Force
… (lisätietoja)

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» Katso myös 2 mainintaa

Chi mi conosce sa che Danielle Steel non fosse proprio tra le autrici che smaniassi per leggere. Difatti me ne sono tenuta lontana per quasi ventisei anni. Solo che la vita è imprevedibile e capita anche di ritrovarsi a leggere un libercolo di Danielle Steel nostro malgrado.

È capitato che la mia biblioteca volesse disfarsi di alcuni libri per i quali non c'era posto o necessità di inserirli negli scaffali. Benone, mi sono detta, andiamo a vedere cosa c'è di bello. E di bello – o almeno interessante per i miei gusti – ho trovato Notre-Dame de Paris di Hugo, che desideravo da tempo, e Signor Malaussène di Pennac, che vedremo un po' com'è. Poi, mentre la mia bibliotecaria preferita mi mostrava gli altri titoli disponibili, è accaduto l'imponderabile. «... e poi ci sono questi romanzi di Danielle Steel», mi ha detto. «Ti piace Danielle Steel?». Al che, cercando di essere fedele al mio non-criticare-se-non-conosci, ho risposto: «Mai letto niente di Danielle Steel». Non potete capire l'orrore nel sentirmi rispondere: «Te lo prendo io uno bellino di Danielle Steel!». Se ne andata dietro al bancone ed è tornata con Forze irresistibili.

Ora, io lo so che avrei potuto fermarla, ma era così entusiasta che mi è dispiaciuto dirle di no. Oltretutto, è sempre tanto, tanto carina con me e si prodiga nel trovarmi i libri più sperduti (come quelli dimenticati negli archivi e che si supponeva nessuno avrebbe più chiesto in prestito...). Poi, volete mettere la soddisfazione nel poter dire, con cognizione di causa, che i libri di Danielle Steel non mi piacciono?

Da qui inizia la recensione. Scusate se vi ho fracassato le palle con questo aneddoto.

Forze irresistibili è uno dei libri più soporiferi che abbia letto nella mia vita. Mi sembrava di avere una freccetta di narcotico nel c*lo. Infatti, già dal risvolto di copertina sappiamo che i due protagonisti, Steve e Meredith, sposati da non ricordo più quanti anni, si faranno le corna a vicenda. Quindi uno si aspetta che nella prima metà del romanzo si cornifichino, poi passino la seconda parte a tormentarci con i loro tardivi scrupoli di coscienza.

Ah-ah, e invece no! Passiamo quasi trecento pagine (e il romanzo ne ha quasi quattrocento) a leggere il resoconto della vita di questi due, una in carriera a Wall Street, l'altro in carriera nel reparto di traumatologia: sembra di leggere le loro maledettissime agende. Lunedì Meredith ha fatto questo, martedì e mercoledì quest'altro, mentre Steve ha lavorato undicimila ore di seguito e ha dormito due ore. Proprio avvincente. So che, teoricamente, servivano a far entrare in scena l'altro e farlo entrare in confidenza con Meredith, ma che palle, ragazzi!

Le restanti cento pagine circa sono in mix di onanismo mentale su sono una/un stronza/o, non lo/la merito, che cosa ho fatto nella mia vita per meritarmi questo, ma io ti amo, no io la/lo conosco troppo bene non mi tradirebbe mai, no non voglio figli da te ma con l'amante c'ho fatto un pensierino, oddio oddio sta arrivando mia marito, ti amo ma devo tornare da mia moglie, ti amo ma devo capire se amo ancora mio marito... insomma, io alla fine ho quasi sentito il bisogno di uno strizzacervelli. Questi personaggi che passavano dall'essere amiconi all'essere amanti da una pagina all'altra mi hanno un po' confusa...

Già, poi, parliamo dei personaggi. Chi sono costoro? Boh. Però sono tutti carini, sexy e simpatici. Almeno a detta della Steel: se così fosse, penso che li avrei trovati più interessanti. Sarà per la freccetta di narcotico di cui sopra, ma non so proprio cosa dirvi di questi tizi che mi sono sembrati tutto tranne carini, sexy e simpatici (questa poi!).

Adesso si accettano consigli su come dire alla bibliotecaria che questo libro m'è sembrato una c****a... ( )
  lasiepedimore | Sep 12, 2023 |
Hated this book. Very hard to get through and finish. ( )
  soosthemoose | Oct 27, 2016 |
Irresistible Forces by Danielle Steel
Meredith and Steve are married and live in NY. He's a trauma ER Doctor and with her career of trading and taking over stocks, making them public keeps them both away from each other more than with each other.
She travels all the time, even overseas and it keeps her very busy. The last public stock she was in charge of was running smoothly.
Cal had 2 teen girls and divorced and was helping her with the transfer. He had taken her out of dinner in London and even dancing. They spent more time together than she with her husband.
Her clock was ticking and Steve had wanted kids and she's not sure she's quite ready yet as the child would be left behind when she was traveling.
When Cal's CFO leaves Cal wants her to take the position. He pushes her into meeting him in CA to discuss the position and her husband is all for it as well. He's ready for a change.
So many choices and so many decisions to make for them both, once they make it it's even harder to find time for one another, how is that possible? ( )
  jbarr5 | Mar 28, 2013 |
About a loving couple that cared deeply about each other despite their busy lives as a financier and a doctor, but were separated coast to coast by the wife’s upward job movement and how they finally succumbed to the temptations of people where they were and ended up divorcing; the wife marrying her boss and the husband being saved from death by his lover, an Hispanic doctor, and them getting back together. I don’t like the way Steel plays with her characters and morality, but there is no story without such ( )
  lopemopay | Nov 22, 2006 |
No-brainer reading with typical FANTASTIC sex /snerk. I just read Danielle when I need something light and fast that does not make me think too hard. ( )
1 ääni Rori | Dec 17, 2005 |
ei arvosteluja | lisää arvostelu

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Sinun täytyy kirjautua sisään voidaksesi muokata Yhteistä tietoa
Katso lisäohjeita Common Knowledge -sivuilta (englanniksi).
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Tiedot ruotsinkielisestä Yhteisestä tiedosta. Muokkaa kotoistaaksesi se omalle kielellesi.
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Ensimmäiset sanat
Tiedot englanninkielisestä Yhteisestä tiedosta. Muokkaa kotoistaaksesi se omalle kielellesi.
It was a brilliantly sunny day in New York, and the temperature had soared over the hundred mark long before noon.
Viimeiset sanat
Tiedot englanninkielisestä Yhteisestä tiedosta. Muokkaa kotoistaaksesi se omalle kielellesi.
(Napsauta nähdäksesi. Varoitus: voi sisältää juonipaljastuksia)
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Viittaukset tähän teokseen muissa lähteissä.

Englanninkielinen Wikipedia


Fiction. Literature. Romance. HTML:Danielle Steel's forty-seventh bestselling novel is very much about the tides of our times, changes and responsibilities in the workplace pull two people in different directions, sweeping them into new lives and changed worldsâ??â??.

Irresistible Forces

For fourteen years, Steve and Meredith Whitman have sustained a marriage of passion and friendship - despite the demands of two all-consuming careers.  Meredith, an investment banker, has achieved partnership in one of Wall Street's top firms.  Steve A gifted physician, chose an urban trauma ward over the big money he could have earned elsewhere.  The only thing missing in their lives is children.  Steve longs for them.  But Meredith keeps putting off motherhood, saying she isn't ready and doesn't have time.  Not yet.  Especially now that she has been offered an extraordinary opportunity, a chance to reach for the brass ring - in San Francisco, three thousand miles away.  Meredith is thrilled and surprised when Steve urges her to accept a top position at an exciting young high-tech company.  Traditionally, men's careers forces families to move to new cities, compelling their wives to abandon friends, home, and lives to follow.  But Steve is more than willing to uproot himself. Saying he'll join her as he can find a new job himself, they can begin their family at last.

Neither Steve nor Meredith had reckoned on the frustrations of a bi-coastal marriage, as Steve's job keeps him in New York for months longer than planned.  Weekends together, their lifeline, fall prey to their hectic schedules.  Alone in San Francisco, Meredith is spending long hours at the office with her boss, charismatic entrepreneur Callan Dow.  Steve working late shifts at the hospital, grabbing an occasional dinner with a new colleague, a doctor raising a daughter on her own.  Almost unnoticed, Steve and Meredith have begun living separate lives in increasingly separate worlds.  And despite the best of intentions, irresistible forces begin to tear their lives and hearts apart.

With unerring insight, Danielle Steel explores what happens when lives that fit together like delicately balanced puzzles are shifted, changed, and drift apart.  Only time can tell who and what they will become as life sweeps them onward and deposits them on new, sometimes frightening, and often exciting shores.  Who survives, is at the core of Irresistible Force

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