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Yellow Face

Tekijä: David Henry Hwang

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
704382,028 (3.86)-
"A new satire of multiculturalism, by one of America's leading playwrights"--About the play. "In this mock-documentary play, David Henry Hwang puts himself center stage, as he uses the controversy over color-blind casting for Miss Saigon and the racially motivated federal investigation of his own father to explore Asian identity and the ever-changing definition of what it is to be an American."--Print cover.… (lisätietoja)

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näyttää 4/4
The Earlier Yellow Face*
Review of the Audible Studios audiobook (May 2, 2024) multicast adaptation of the original play (2007) and the playscript from Dramatists Play Service (February 13, 2009).

Playwright David Henry Hwang creates a fictionalized story about his unpublished play Face Value (1993) which closed on Broadway after only 8 preview performances without even an official opening. The fiction takes off from the real-life protests of Hwang and others to the casting of Caucasian actor Jonathan Pryce in the role of the half-Vietnamese bar owner "The Engineer" in the London and New York staging of the Miss Saigon (1989) musical.

Hwang then opens his own play "Face Value" but inadvertently casts a Caucasian named Marcus as his Asian lead (in reality BD Wong played the role) and then has to invent a supposed Asian background for the actor in order to not embarrass himself. The actor then goes on to play several prominent Asian roles in the theatre, culminating in the role of the King of Siam (Thailand) in The King and I.

Various farcical events pile on top of each other with Hwang's father being accused of laundering Communist Chinese money in his bank, the press eager to expose Marcus's deception and DHH (the playwright's proxy) scrambling to both save his father from prosecution and undo the false narrative he had created for Marcus.

The audiobook had a full cast of prominent film and TV actors and featured Daniel Dae Kim in the role of DHH and Jason Biggs in the role of Marcus. Several prominent figures and actors played themselves. Everyone did an excellent job in this comedy farce.

* I am thinking of the recent novel Yellowface (2023) by R.F. Kuang.

Trivia and Link
There was a Direct to YouTube film adaptation of David Henry Huang's Yellow Face in 2 parts which premiered ten years ago in 2014 and which you can watch here (Part 1) and here (Part 2). ( )
  alanteder | May 8, 2024 |
Another great play from DHH. Thought-provoking and not at all what I expected. Worth your time, if you care to spend it.

http://wp.me/pGVzJ-gt for the full scoop. ( )
  drewsof | Jul 9, 2013 |
  kutheatre | Jun 4, 2015 |
näyttää 4/4
ei arvosteluja | lisää arvostelu


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"A new satire of multiculturalism, by one of America's leading playwrights"--About the play. "In this mock-documentary play, David Henry Hwang puts himself center stage, as he uses the controversy over color-blind casting for Miss Saigon and the racially motivated federal investigation of his own father to explore Asian identity and the ever-changing definition of what it is to be an American."--Print cover.

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