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Alibis in Arkansas (Death on a Deadline / Drop Dead Diva / Down Home and Deadly)

Tekijä: Christine Lynxwiler

Sarjat: A Sleuthing Sisters Mystery (Omnibus 1 - 3)

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioMaininnat
611433,348 (3.2)1
Jenna and Carly share a dry wit and sharp sleuthing skills that give these three stories universal appeal. Wherever these small-town Arkansas sisters go murder is sure to follow. When they search for the murderer of a newspaper editor, they could end up in the obit column. In Branson for a break, they find out that murder doesn't take vacations. And when the Carly opens a diner, murder is on the menu.… (lisätietoja)

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Alibis in Arkansas contains three novellas featuring sisters Jenna Stafford and Carly Reece. Jenna is a former U.S. Olympic swimmer who has recently moved back home to Lake View, Arkansas. Carly is a divorced mother of a 16-year-old boy and 12-year-old twin girls.

In the first story, Carly's son is a suspect in a murder and Jenna, convinced of his innocence, sets out to find the real killer. In the second story, the sisters visit Branson, Missouri, to help Carly's childhood friend and her husband prepare for the opening of their new theater and hotel. The sisters get more than they bargained for when murder disrupts the opening festivities. In the final story, Jenna discovers a dead body behind Carly's new diner. Although the man was a stranger to Jenna, he had ties to a lot of the people in her life. One by one, they all turn to Jenna for help as suspicion falls first on one person, then on another – and another – and another.

You'd probably find this collection in the Christian fiction section of a bookstore, but it would fit in the cozy mystery section just as well. The mysteries aren't particularly well developed, but the characters are likeable, the setting is interesting, and the quality of the writing is better than average for either the Christian fiction or cozy genres. It appears to be one of a series of novella collections with states in the title. I liked the stories well enough to be disappointed that there don't appear to be any more of them in the works. ( )
2 ääni cbl_tn | Jun 11, 2009 |
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Jenna and Carly share a dry wit and sharp sleuthing skills that give these three stories universal appeal. Wherever these small-town Arkansas sisters go murder is sure to follow. When they search for the murderer of a newspaper editor, they could end up in the obit column. In Branson for a break, they find out that murder doesn't take vacations. And when the Carly opens a diner, murder is on the menu.

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