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The Nuclear Express: A Political History of the Bomb and Its Proliferation

Tekijä: Thomas C. Reed

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
903302,708 (3.93)-
This is a political history of nuclear weapons from the discovery of fission in 1938 to the nuclear train wreck that seems to loom in our future. It is an account of where those weapons came from, how the technology surprisingly and covertly spread, and who is likely to acquire those weapons next and most importantly why. The authors' examination of post Cold War national and geopolitical issues regarding nuclear proliferation and the effects of Chinese sponsorship of the Pakistani program is eye opening. The reckless "nuclear weapons programs for sale" exporting of technology byPakistanis truly chilling, as is the on-again off-again North Korean nuclear weapons program.… (lisätietoja)

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näyttää 3/3
Arguably the best book on nuclear weapons all the way from how a nuclear device works to how various countries, including the US, delt with nuclear weapons over time
  zacherlaw1 | Nov 28, 2023 |
Excellent book that provides a greater context behind many of the geopolitical actions of the last 80 years. I was always curious as to the underlying cause of the Sino-Soviet split and now I know. Additionally, the book gives justification for when to step in regarding Proliferation and when to stand down. I'll let future readers come to their own conclusions in this regard rather than out it my own.

The first half dealing with WW2 and the Cold War is exciting and reads quickly. The latter half is not so exciting, but has greater ramifications in our daily lives.

I would have given this book 5 stars, but there are some glaring mistakes that bother me. It says not once but twice that it was the MING dynasty that was overthrown in the 20th century. There were a couple of other very obvious mistakes but I didn't write them down. In the last quarter there were also a few typos. ( )
  Hae-Yu | Aug 28, 2018 |
Suggests that the Russians got the secret of the hydrogen bomb through spying rather than self-development.
  ecw0647 | Sep 30, 2013 |
näyttää 3/3
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This is a political history of nuclear weapons from the discovery of fission in 1938 to the nuclear train wreck that seems to loom in our future. It is an account of where those weapons came from, how the technology surprisingly and covertly spread, and who is likely to acquire those weapons next and most importantly why. The authors' examination of post Cold War national and geopolitical issues regarding nuclear proliferation and the effects of Chinese sponsorship of the Pakistani program is eye opening. The reckless "nuclear weapons programs for sale" exporting of technology byPakistanis truly chilling, as is the on-again off-again North Korean nuclear weapons program.

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