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Redemption Accomplished and Applied

Tekijä: John Murray

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2,18157,370 (4.48)9
New issue of a theological classic on the atonement Originally published in 1955 and reprinted dozens of times over the years, John Murray's Redemption Accomplished and Applied systematically explains the two sides of redemption - its accomplishment through Christ's atonement and its application to the lives of believers. Murray explores the biblical passages dealing with the necessity, nature, perfection, and extent of the atonement in order to establish its relationship to our justification, sanctification, and glorification. He goes on to identify the distinct steps in the Bible's presentation of how the redemption accomplished by Christ is applied progressively to the life of the redeemed, including the role of faith and repentance. Concise, precise, and accessible, Murray's classic doctrinal study will now reach and benefit a new generation of readers.… (lisätietoja)

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näyttää 5/5
I would give this five stars on content but three stars on readability. Not for the light reader but most definitely worth putting every effort into it. Read it two times through back to back - first quickly then slowly. ( )
  jude.barton | Sep 21, 2012 |
This is a Calvinistic approach on the work of Christ and how it is applied in the life of believers.
  adbrowning | Apr 8, 2011 |
A wonderful discussion of what the sacrifice of Christ on the Cross really (and fully) means. Murray makes the case methodically and wisely that we are helpless to save ourselves, that we deserve death for our sins, that these sins are serious and deserving of justice, and that Jesus took the punishment that God's children deserve for their sins upon himself on the Cross.

And then, in the second part, he explains how that redemption, already earned, is applied to us.

A wonderful volume. It is not easy reading, but I would encourage Christians to make the effort to understand it. That may be a frustrating process if you are unused to deep writing, but it is worthwhile. ( )
1 ääni nesum | Oct 19, 2010 |
John Murray’s helpful book, Redemption Accomplished and Applied, has become over the last fifty years somewhat of a classic as a doctrinal synopsis of the death of Christ and the salvific blessings that flow from it.
[Read More]
  pastorbookshelf | Sep 15, 2007 |
Logos Library
  birdsnare | May 16, 2019 |
näyttää 5/5
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New issue of a theological classic on the atonement Originally published in 1955 and reprinted dozens of times over the years, John Murray's Redemption Accomplished and Applied systematically explains the two sides of redemption - its accomplishment through Christ's atonement and its application to the lives of believers. Murray explores the biblical passages dealing with the necessity, nature, perfection, and extent of the atonement in order to establish its relationship to our justification, sanctification, and glorification. He goes on to identify the distinct steps in the Bible's presentation of how the redemption accomplished by Christ is applied progressively to the life of the redeemed, including the role of faith and repentance. Concise, precise, and accessible, Murray's classic doctrinal study will now reach and benefit a new generation of readers.

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