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282994,668 (3.65)4
The Clone Wars have exploded across the galaxy as Republic forces and Separatists struggle to gain the upper hand. But while the Jedi generals work tirelessly to defeat Count Dooku and his rebels, Supreme Chancellor Palpatine is hatching his own dark victory plans. The Separatists have launched a sneak attack on Coruscant. Obi-Wan Kenobi, wounded in battle, insists that Anakin Skywalker and his rookie Padawan Ahsoka leave on a risky mission against General Grievous. But when Senator Bail Organa reveals some explosive intelligence that could turn the tide of war in the Republic's favor, the Jedi Master agrees to accompany him to an obscure planet on the Outer Rim to verify the facts. What Obi-Wan and Bail don't realize is that they're walking into a deadly trap concocted by Palpatine. And by the time they find out, escape may not be an option. Inspired by the full-length animated feature film Star Wars: The Clone Wars and the brand-new TV series, these thrilling adventures are filled with provocative, never-before-revealed insights into the characters of Obi-Wan, Anakin, Padme, Yoda, Count Dooku, and many other Star Wars favourites.… (lisätietoja)

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Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 9) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
I am under no illusion that Star Wars novels are particularly great pieces of literature, but this one is unusually bad. The bulk of it are arguments between Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi and Senator Bail Organa over whether or not it is acceptable for the Jedi to keep the existence of the Sith a secret, whether or not Organa should go on a dangerous mission, whether or not a shattered Kenobi is up for the strenuous task ahead of him on the planet Zigoola. The sole function of the novel appears to set up a close relationship between the two characters that would explain their alliance in Revenge of the Sith, one of the least interesting issues in the franchise.
  jklugman | Jun 28, 2021 |
This is a great novel. I enjoyed reading about Bail and Obi-Wan so much. It was a great story about how the two became good friends--it would've been nice to see that play out more in Clone Wars, but ah well! I have to take what I can get! The audiobook was fabulous to listen to. ( )
  Ambie-Wan | Jan 9, 2021 |
‘Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Wild Space’ by Karen Miller follows on from ‘Star Wars: The Clone Wars’ by Karen Traviss. You don’t have to be called Karen to write ‘Star Wars’ books but, clearly, it helps. It is set at the time of the Clone Wars when the Republic is fighting for survival against the Separatist movement of Count Dooku. The Republic has clones while the Separatists have battle droids. The Republic has the Jedi and the Separatists secretly have Sith. This novel features the usual favourites: Obi Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, Chancellor Palpatine and others. The last book was largely concerned with Anakin, whereas the hero of this one is Obi Wan. There also more of Yoda is, which must make writing the dialogue more difficult. His verbs at the end of the sentence usually are.

The fact that it’s a follow on to ‘Clone Wars’ isn’t obvious at first because it opens with a scene set in the aftermath of the Battle of Geonosis, when Count Dooku cut off Anakin Skywalker’s arm. Then there are a couple of chapters devoted to devotion, that of Padmé for Anakin and his for her. I thought I was reading a ‘Star Wars’ romance novel and my heart sank. Happily, it didn’t continue too long in that vein and the action got going. The Separatists set off bombs at important government buildings all over Coruscant, which leads Chancellor Palpatine to institute new security measures. Senators Padmé and Bail Organa are worried about the invasion of privacy but nice old Palpatine assures them it is only temporary for the duration of the emergency. Terrorism and patriotism are obviously themes for our time.

It turns out that Senator Bail Organa has access to a secret intelligence source and has discovered something. Obi Wan accompanies him on a mission to an obscure planet in wild space, outside the civilised regions of the galaxy. Bail learns of the Sith who were thought defeated a millennium ago. The revival of dark forces after a thousand years, combined with our hero having to go off to a planet of theirs beginning with Z and risk all did evoke memories of another space opera franchise but, never mind, it’s a very loose parallel. Actually, E. E. ‘Doc’ Smith started all this with those Lensmen of his back in the 1930s.

Of the two Karens, I preferred Traviss slightly more because she put in a few more astute political observations. However, that is merely a personal bent. Karen Miller’s book is a good adventure yarn and does highlight issues, too, more personal ones such as whether or not Jedi chaps should grow fond of other people. The Jedi are the Shaolin monks of space opera: serene, detached, at peace with the universe and death on legs if you get in their way. George Lucas has created an interesting reality and many good stories can be created in it. This is another decent contribution to the continuing adventures in a galaxy far, far away and I look forward to the new film. Break a leg, Harrison!

Oh, you did. Sorry. Get well soon then.

Eamonn Murphy
This review first appeared at https://www.sfcrowsnest.info/

( )
  bigfootmurf | Aug 11, 2019 |
a direct sequel to Traviss' Clone Wars. Really has nothing to do with the Clone troopers though. Basically Anakin whines about Padme and his new apprentice while Obi-Wan and Bail Organa go off on a goosechase to a Sith Planet. Which turns out to be an ambush. And Obi-wan and Bail bond while surviving.

Does do a good job of showing the desolate and empty condition of a sith world, and by extension, what a sith galaxy would be like. Nothing special overall though, certainly not worth buying.

Update-I still haven't bought these. Good for me! ( )
  BookstoogeLT | Dec 10, 2016 |
This is the second of the two Clone Wars books I read in parallel to watching the television series before my viewing of the series sputtered out. Flipping back through it, I find that I remember nothing of it, save that Obi-Wan seemed out of character, and that it felt like the book went on blasted forever with nothing happening. This is Star Wars, people, throw me some action.
  Stevil2001 | Jul 29, 2016 |
Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 9) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
It's a fun read, and much better than you could possibly expect a Jedi book that takes place during the prequels to be.
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The Clone Wars have exploded across the galaxy as Republic forces and Separatists struggle to gain the upper hand. But while the Jedi generals work tirelessly to defeat Count Dooku and his rebels, Supreme Chancellor Palpatine is hatching his own dark victory plans. The Separatists have launched a sneak attack on Coruscant. Obi-Wan Kenobi, wounded in battle, insists that Anakin Skywalker and his rookie Padawan Ahsoka leave on a risky mission against General Grievous. But when Senator Bail Organa reveals some explosive intelligence that could turn the tide of war in the Republic's favor, the Jedi Master agrees to accompany him to an obscure planet on the Outer Rim to verify the facts. What Obi-Wan and Bail don't realize is that they're walking into a deadly trap concocted by Palpatine. And by the time they find out, escape may not be an option. Inspired by the full-length animated feature film Star Wars: The Clone Wars and the brand-new TV series, these thrilling adventures are filled with provocative, never-before-revealed insights into the characters of Obi-Wan, Anakin, Padme, Yoda, Count Dooku, and many other Star Wars favourites.

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