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The Gigantic Baby

Tekijä: Mordicai Gerstein

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1841,199,966 (2.33)-
The more a baby cries, the more she grows, until her brother thinks of a way to reverse the process and turn his gigantic sister into a normal-sized infant.

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näyttää 4/4
This story is about Marvin's baby sister, all she does is cry. The baby was so tiny when she first got home, but all she did was cry and eat. Marvin's sister started to grow uncontrollably because she ate every time she cried. All of a sudden the baby was bigger than Marvin, too big for her room and then too big for their house. Doctors tried to look at the baby and had to use telescopes to check her ears, a seismograph to listen to her heart and they used plywood to hold down her tongue and check her throat. One day Marvin came up with an idea... he said, "try to make the baby laugh so she will stop crying." Finally one night the baby noticed the moon smiling at her, she giggled and the clouds started to play peek a boo. Then suddenly the baby laughed more and started to shrink back to normal size. I think the author does a great job making fun of the line at the beginning of the book, "Babies grow fast." Kids would enjoy the humor and the suspense in the story about the gigantic baby. I would recommend this book to a child with a new sibling, especially a fussy one. This book is appropriate for grades K-3. ( )
  epoche | Nov 10, 2014 |
Marvin has a new baby sister, but this new baby is not what anyone expected. The baby will not stop crying and the more she cries the bigger she gets! She grows so much that she outgrows their house and an airplane hanger. It was not until Marvin suggested to try and make her laugh that she finally went back down to normal size.

This book was funny and cute, but I did not like it too much. I probably would not incorporate it into my lessons but maybe let my students read it for pleasure reading. ( )
  ashleyschifano | Sep 1, 2014 |
Marvin finally sees his baby sister. She is not what he expected at all. This baby girl is bald and looks like a tiny baby. Marvin's mother tells him not to worry and that babies grow fast. The baby begins to cry day after day and Marvin even sees a baby crying in the moon. But this baby was different, within three days the baby had grown twice her size. The louder the baby cried the more she grew. Soon the baby was so bug she has to use Marvin's bed and soon only the living room was big enough for the baby. The baby grew so big she could pick Marvin up with one hand. The crying also got louder. A cane had to move this baby to an airplane hanger and care for her. But, the baby was perfectly healthy. They tried everything to get this baby to stop crying and finally the baby began to play peek-a-boo with the moon. After all her crying, within a few weeks she was back to normal. This is a great book for children who are going to have siblings and you want to make them laugh. ( )
  SarahChaisson | Jan 31, 2012 |
This would be a good book for a child who has a new sibling. It is a cute story.
  Charlee526 | Sep 9, 2008 |
näyttää 4/4
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The more a baby cries, the more she grows, until her brother thinks of a way to reverse the process and turn his gigantic sister into a normal-sized infant.

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