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Tekijä: Liz Pichon

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308786,024 (4)-
Penguins at the zoo have an exciting afternoon when one finds a camera left behind by a visitor.

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Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 7) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
Picked this one up for a penguin themed storytime and loved it!! Very cute, especially the fold out photographs at the end. ( )
  mmalyn | Feb 24, 2018 |
This book was short and funny. All about a group of zoo penguins that discover a camera that must have fallen into their enclosure over the course of the day. The penguins soon discover how to use the camera and get a little crazy with it. I love the illustrations in this story. They are really amusing. ( )
  matthewbloome | May 19, 2013 |
A little girl and her family visit the zoo one day and they bring their camera to take pictures while they are there. When they visit the penguin exhibit the little girl drops her camera and forgets that it is there. As the day goes on a penguin sees the camera sitting on a rock and becomes curious! As he picks it up the other penguins see him and want in on the fun. At first they do not know how it works but as soon as they hit the flash button they decided to take many random pictures with camera. At the end of the story the camera runs out of film so they place it back where they found it and a zoo keeper returns it back to the little girl. Little did she know the wonderful pictures she would have when she would go to process the film.

Personal Reaction:
Since I was a child I have always loved penguins; when I saw this book I knew I had to get it. The book was so cute and fun! I never predicted that the penguins would use the camera. On the page that they look through the lens the entire page is black and it has one little hole in it, as if you were the penguin seeing through it.Also, at the end it has the picutres unfold out of the book that the penguins had taken that day. I think it was a very fun book.

Classroom Extension Ideas:
1. I believe this book would be a great book to read to a younger group of children when you are learning the letter P. It would be fun to start with this book and then have the children's imaginations flow before starting a painting or drawing of the letter P.
2. I belive I could also introduce manners with this book. It's the small fact that the penguins made sure to put the camera back where they found it that matters. They could have kept it to themselves because it was a fun toy; however, they knew that was not right.
3. This book would also be a great book to read before taking a trip to the zoo. It would introduce another fun animal to small kids and prepare them for a zoo experience.
  Macylynn | Jan 21, 2013 |
This is a cute story about Penguins and the pictures they take with their camera! It is fun to look at the pictures with your children or students and imagine what it would be like if you found a camera and was able to take pictures of the sites you see!
  Caitlin_Rinner | Dec 7, 2012 |
Genre: Fantasy
Review: The author did a good job of writing a book that stays true to the genre of fantasy by creating a story that could not happen in our world. She depicts talking penguins who take pictures with a camera.
Style: The author uses onomatopoeia when writing about the different sounds that the camera might make. When talking about pressing all of the buttons, the camera flashes and the word flash is displayed on the page. Also when the shutter button is pressed to take a picture, it says click.
Media: Acrylic
  adaniel11 | Mar 5, 2012 |
Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 7) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
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Penguins at the zoo have an exciting afternoon when one finds a camera left behind by a visitor.

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