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Painting the Word: Christian Pictures and Their Meanings

Tekijä: John Drury

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
1251220,746 (3.6)-
"Christianity is another country, says John Drury, and we need to familiarize ourselves with it in order to understand the universal meaning of its art. In this book, Drury, an Anglican priest and theologian, looks at religious paintings through the ages and presents them to us in a fresh way - as works filled with passion, stories and meaning. They become the poetry of such eternal human concerns as birth, death, sacrifice, love and moral goodness and failure."--Jacket.… (lisätietoja)

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Reading this book makes me realize how blind I am before art. Drury carefully considers a number of Christian paintings, chiefly Medieval to Baroque, and points out how tiny details contribute to the meaning of the painting. He also considers beliefs that were familiar to early audiences that may elude modern viewers. This kind of book is very helpful to me. Instead of vague pronouncements on the painting, Drury offers concrete arguments about the meaning and composition which can really train the reader to better understand art. Not only are there reproductions of the work as a whole, there are many details illustrating specific points. Some readers may be a bit dismayed that Drury makes it very clear that he does not take the Bible literally. Coming into the modern era, Drury examines two paintings by Cezanne, arguing that The Large Bathers is appropriately viewed as a religious painting - a less successful argument in my view. ( )
  PuddinTame | Apr 5, 2008 |
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Englanninkielinen Wikipedia


"Christianity is another country, says John Drury, and we need to familiarize ourselves with it in order to understand the universal meaning of its art. In this book, Drury, an Anglican priest and theologian, looks at religious paintings through the ages and presents them to us in a fresh way - as works filled with passion, stories and meaning. They become the poetry of such eternal human concerns as birth, death, sacrifice, love and moral goodness and failure."--Jacket.

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