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Coyote Season (Five Star Science Fiction & Fantasy)

Tekijä: Michael Bergey

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
612,650,306 (3.5)-
Humans say, they're fond of magic, but show them a bit of the real stuff and hardly anything happens. So what's an honest spirit to do? This is a fast-paced humorous fantasy about trickster-spirit Coyote's quest to understand the human world.
Viimeisimmät tallentajatMilesrose, Falconeio, zetared, eshtar, sdmtngirl, agis

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"Coyote Season" is the sequel to Michael Bergey's first book "New Coyote", centering around the reincarnation of the Coyote spirit. It's similar to the first book in a number of ways, but wanders further afield from the pastoral setting as the government begins to notice what's going on.

This is mostly for the worse; while the cat and mouse games with the CIA that fill the first half of the book, and the time trapped with the magician Caglio have no trouble keeping you reading and entertained (although the latter goes on a little long), they're simply not as strong as the first book. Thankfully, the ultimate climax of the book picks things back up again.

While the buildup behind Coyote learning via the new ways of science is quite slow, Bergey does this central conceit better this time, as the consequences of some of that power become apparent. And Bergey hasn't lost his talent for a fun read. So even if the second verse isn't as good as the first, "Coyote Season" is a solid sequel. ( )
  agis | Sep 13, 2008 |
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Humans say, they're fond of magic, but show them a bit of the real stuff and hardly anything happens. So what's an honest spirit to do? This is a fast-paced humorous fantasy about trickster-spirit Coyote's quest to understand the human world.

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3.5 1

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