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Trees and Shrubs of Kentucky (Kentucky Nature Studies)

Tekijä: Mary E. Wharton

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioMaininnat
381655,875 (5)1
This authoritative volume provides a comprehensive guide to the 282 species of woody plants found in Kentucky, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Virginia, Tennessee, and Eastern Missouri. Illustrated with more than 1,150 photographs, this book shows not only leaves and bark, but also buds, flowers, and fruits to enable you to recognize trees at any season. Complete with an identification guide that really works, this beautiful book will be valuable to both specialist and amateur.… (lisätietoja)

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It has an interesting way of looking up trees that might work better for some laymen than some of the other standard ways. There are 2 sections in the beginning that contain color photos of fruit & flowers, much better than in most books. These colorful items will jump out at you, if the season is correct. Not all are included, obviously - some just don't have conspicuous fruit or flowers.

For the rest, there are other sections that break up the leaves in a standard manner. Since it concentrates on a small defined area, it's pretty easy to find what you want - or you won't find it at all. While it does deal with many of the invasive species, it obviously can't get them all.

My only problem with the book is the sections aren't marked on every page. It's very easy to get into a different section, while looking a tree up in the field, & not realize it. I wouldn't want this as my only field guide to trees, but it is an excellent supplementary resource. ( )
  jimmaclachlan | Sep 25, 2009 |
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This authoritative volume provides a comprehensive guide to the 282 species of woody plants found in Kentucky, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Virginia, Tennessee, and Eastern Missouri. Illustrated with more than 1,150 photographs, this book shows not only leaves and bark, but also buds, flowers, and fruits to enable you to recognize trees at any season. Complete with an identification guide that really works, this beautiful book will be valuable to both specialist and amateur.

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