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Shame of Man (1994)

Tekijä: Piers Anthony

Sarjat: Geodyssey (2)

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioMaininnat
450355,839 (3.7)4
Piers Anthony's Shame of Man is a towering saga of remarkable scope, retelling the story of humanity in a daring and exciting way. At once grand in scope and intimate in human detail, Shame of Man recounts the stunning journey of a single family reborn again and again throughout history. Beginning in the earliest origins of our ancient ancestors who emerged from the Eden of Africa millions of years ago, Shame of Man follows two lovers--Hugh, a dreamer and musician, and his beloved Ann, a beautiful dancer--as they struggle to preserve their family and their way of life during some of the most turbulent periods of our savage past.  Their saga takes them from the caves of prehistoric Europe to the Holy Land in the time of King David, through the imperial court of third century Japan, and Damascus in the early days of Islam, to Central Asia in the era of Genghis Khan, and the fallen paradise of Easter Island, concluding with a harrowing glimpse of our future, in the wreckage of a world devastated by global ecological catastrophe. Through their eyes we experience humanity's greatest triumphs, and witness its greatest shame, the relentless exploitation of nature that now threatens our very survival. … (lisätietoja)

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näyttää 3/3
Not as good as the first one, but still very enjoyable. ( )
  Snukes | Jun 14, 2013 |
This book is sequel to Isle of Woman, which I did like a lot This one was good but not as good as the first. Shame of Man mostly revolved around the character Hue, or Hugh or other variations of his was used also. Revolving around one character made it different from the first book because the first had two main characters and it was more of a love story. This one was more about struggles of man versus evil or man vs. survival. There was more history and mythology involved in this also, which I found in parts were kinda of dry and hard for my thought process. I had a problem with trying to figure out in each chapter reincarnation, who was who because their names changed slightly each time to fit the area a time period. It also had characters from the first book in the series so I was trying to remember them as well and sometimes coming up blank. Then there was new character to which I would try to figure out if I had met them yet. So that made it a little frustrating. I still like the book and the thought of the way it is written but whether I will read the third one in the series, Hope of Earth, is up in the air. On one side I really liked Isle of Woman but on the other Shame of Man was only so so. Maybe it was just the fact that the story was man vs. evil and that there is always a balancing act between the two and not yay good won! I don’t know resembles life to much for me. Yet if it had been yay good wins I probably would have said predicable. (shakes head at self) ( )
  lavenderagate | Aug 19, 2011 |
The second of Anthony's "Geodyssey" series. Each of these novels traces a set of human characters -- not reincarnations, but reappearances of similar people -- through the corridors of history. In this one there are twenty episodes in which a man and a woman appear, starting out eight million years ago in Africa, and ending up in a future society where population is rigidly limited. These books aren't great art -- the characters sometimes seem more like puppets than like real people -- but they are great fun. History really lite, for those who like the long view. ( )
  annbury | Sep 23, 2010 |
näyttää 3/3
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The Great Rift of Africa is a fascinating region.
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Piers Anthony's Shame of Man is a towering saga of remarkable scope, retelling the story of humanity in a daring and exciting way. At once grand in scope and intimate in human detail, Shame of Man recounts the stunning journey of a single family reborn again and again throughout history. Beginning in the earliest origins of our ancient ancestors who emerged from the Eden of Africa millions of years ago, Shame of Man follows two lovers--Hugh, a dreamer and musician, and his beloved Ann, a beautiful dancer--as they struggle to preserve their family and their way of life during some of the most turbulent periods of our savage past.  Their saga takes them from the caves of prehistoric Europe to the Holy Land in the time of King David, through the imperial court of third century Japan, and Damascus in the early days of Islam, to Central Asia in the era of Genghis Khan, and the fallen paradise of Easter Island, concluding with a harrowing glimpse of our future, in the wreckage of a world devastated by global ecological catastrophe. Through their eyes we experience humanity's greatest triumphs, and witness its greatest shame, the relentless exploitation of nature that now threatens our very survival. 

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Keskiarvo: (3.7)
2 4
2.5 1
3 18
3.5 1
4 22
5 11

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