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King of Ithaca

Tekijä: Glyn Iliffe

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioMaininnat
1302211,985 (4.15)2
It was a time of myth and mystery. A time when Gods walked among men. It was a time of heroes ...Greece is a country in turmoil, divided by feuding kingdoms desiring wealth, power and revenge. When Eperitus, a young exiled soldier, comes to the aid of a group of warriors in battle, little does he know that it will be the start of an incredible adventure. For he is about to join the charismatic Odysseus, Prince of Ithaca, on a vital quest to save his homeland. Odysseus travels to Sparta to join the most famous heroes of the time in paying suit to the sensuous Helen. Armed with nothing but his wits and intelligence, he must enter a treacherous world of warfare and politics to compete for the greatest prize in Greece. But few care for the problems of an impoverished prince when war with Troy is beckoning . . . An epic saga set in one of the most dramatic periods of history, King of Ithaca is a voyage of discovery of one man's journey to become a King - and a legend.… (lisätietoja)

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» Katso myös 2 mainintaa

At the start of this book, Odysseus (whose post-Trojan War story is told in The Odyssey) is Prince of Ithaca, a small island in the Ionian Sea west of mainland Greece. This excellent historical novel relates how he travels to Sparta to woo the most beautiful woman in Greece, Helen, the overthrow of his father King Laertes during his absence, and his triumphal return to Ithaca (with a new bride) to oust the usurpers. What I found most pleasing about this book was that even knowing in advance how things turned out for Odysseus, the writing is so good that you're kept in suspense to the very end. I strongly recommend King of Ithaca to all lovers of Greek mythology and anyone else who appreciates a great and timeless story. ( )
  Jamie638 | May 22, 2013 |
Een must read voor de liefhebbers van Griekse mythologie. Het leven van Odysseus tot en met zijn ontmoeting met Penelope. ( )
  boeklover | Nov 11, 2009 |
näyttää 2/2
ei arvosteluja | lisää arvostelu

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Englanninkielinen Wikipedia


It was a time of myth and mystery. A time when Gods walked among men. It was a time of heroes ...Greece is a country in turmoil, divided by feuding kingdoms desiring wealth, power and revenge. When Eperitus, a young exiled soldier, comes to the aid of a group of warriors in battle, little does he know that it will be the start of an incredible adventure. For he is about to join the charismatic Odysseus, Prince of Ithaca, on a vital quest to save his homeland. Odysseus travels to Sparta to join the most famous heroes of the time in paying suit to the sensuous Helen. Armed with nothing but his wits and intelligence, he must enter a treacherous world of warfare and politics to compete for the greatest prize in Greece. But few care for the problems of an impoverished prince when war with Troy is beckoning . . . An epic saga set in one of the most dramatic periods of history, King of Ithaca is a voyage of discovery of one man's journey to become a King - and a legend.

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