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Victorian Engineering

Tekijä: L. T. C. Rolt

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioMaininnat
903302,880 (4.29)1
Describing the course of British engineering throughout the 19th century, this survey gives accounts of such major developments as the building of the railways, the growth of ship-building and the introduction of gas and electricity. It examines the individual achievements of Brunel, Joseph Paxton and Robert Stephenson among others, and explains how industrialization changed the face of the environment. The book concludes by considering why the Victorians' mood of optimism turned to one of disillusionment. It argues that the Victorians failed to come to terms with the consequences of industrialization, and that many of the innovations of British engineers found their best expression in other countries.… (lisätietoja)

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näyttää 3/3
Enjoyable survey of the progress of engineering in the U.K. in various fields during the late 18th and through the 19th centuries. Part of the enjoyment is that Rolt doesn't toss around a lot of jargon, but carefully and patiently explains things; thus, you're able to follow along with relative ease, even if you have no experience in the area. His writing is also bright and chatty, and a pleasure to read. Recommended. ( )
  EricCostello | Sep 4, 2019 |
  LondonTransportMus | May 16, 2016 |
an excellent treatment ( )
  nholmes | Oct 2, 2006 |
näyttää 3/3
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Describing the course of British engineering throughout the 19th century, this survey gives accounts of such major developments as the building of the railways, the growth of ship-building and the introduction of gas and electricity. It examines the individual achievements of Brunel, Joseph Paxton and Robert Stephenson among others, and explains how industrialization changed the face of the environment. The book concludes by considering why the Victorians' mood of optimism turned to one of disillusionment. It argues that the Victorians failed to come to terms with the consequences of industrialization, and that many of the innovations of British engineers found their best expression in other countries.

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