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Diamond: The History of a Cold-Blooded Love Affair

Tekijä: Matthew Hart

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioMaininnat
342776,427 (3.66)3
Diamonds are almost completely useless, but are prized above all other gems. Historically they have attracted crimes of passion and awful cold-blooded efficiency, have bedazzled the greatest filmstars and the most opulent courts, and provided the incentive for adventure, destruction and greed on a monumental scale.… (lisätietoja)

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Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 7) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
Natural history plus history plus anecdote plus politics. A pretty good run-down of the De Beers empire, this would provide the background information for reading about conflict diamonds (e.g., [b:Blood Diamonds|49226|Blood Diamonds|Greg Campbell|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1170358072s/49226.jpg|48152]). ( )
  OshoOsho | Mar 30, 2013 |
I appreciated that blood diamonds are not a huge part of the book's topics; there are so many more problems in the diamond industry and while blood diamonds are certainly abhorrent, people should be fully informed as to what business practices they're upholding when purchasing diamonds.

If you're worried the subject may be a little heavier than you want, there is plenty of history on searching for and establishing mines that will keep you engaged without depressing you! ( )
  AngelaB86 | Jul 12, 2011 |
Very good book on the Diamond trade. From it's origins to blood diamonds. ( )
  Scrub | Oct 16, 2009 |
I picked up this book after watching Blood Diamond and becoming curious about what in the movie was fact as opposed to fiction, as well as simply wanting to learn more about the trade in general. I found this book to be engaging and extremely readable (even for a near total layperson with only passing interest at the time), giving me history that felt more like a novel and then more up-to-date information on the state of the industry and companies. While disheartening in its clear pronouncement of how terrible individuals can be when aligned by greed, it stays surprisingly subjective as it gives you the facts and allows you to find your own interpretations on the matters presented. For anyone with a passing interest in diamonds, their history, or the diamond trade as it stands in Africa, I'd recommend this book highly. At the same time, if you're looking for something different and readable, regardless of the above categories or whether you fit them, this book is worthwhile. ( )
  whitewavedarling | Jan 15, 2008 |
I finished the book wanting to know a lot more about diamonds themselves, like their chemical and physical properties, and how they're formed (both naturally and artificially). These topics are given only cursory coverage while the shifting economics of diamond monopolies, market fixing, and the discovery of still yet another mine take up the bulk of the book. ( )
  craigim | Aug 23, 2007 |
Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 7) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
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Diamonds are almost completely useless, but are prized above all other gems. Historically they have attracted crimes of passion and awful cold-blooded efficiency, have bedazzled the greatest filmstars and the most opulent courts, and provided the incentive for adventure, destruction and greed on a monumental scale.

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Keskiarvo: (3.66)
2 2
3 17
3.5 7
4 22
4.5 2
5 5

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