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The Ultimate Breastfeeding Book of Answers: The Most Comprehensive Problem-Solving Guide to Breastfeeding from the Foremost Expert in North America, Revised & Updated Edition

Tekijä: Jack Newman M.D.

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
2223123,051 (4.02)-
An Amazing Resource for Nursing Moms Although breastfeeding is the natural and healthy way to nourish your baby, it’s not always easy. Many new mothers are scared away from nursing because of difficulty getting started and lack of information about what to do when things don’t go as planned. In this fully revised and updated edition of The Ultimate Breastfeeding Book of Answers, two of today’s foremost lactation experts help new mothers overcome their fears, doubts, and practical concerns about one of the most special ways a mother can bond with her baby. In this comprehensive guide, Dr. Jack Newman, a leading authority on infant care, and Teresa Pitman, a La Leche League leader for more than twenty years, give you the facts about breastfeeding and provide solutions for the common problems that arise. Filled with the same practical advice that made the first edition a must-have for nursing moms, the new edition features updates on: • Achieving a good latch • What to do if your baby refuses the breast • Avoiding sore nipples • Ensuring your baby gets enough milk • Feeding a colicky baby • Breastfeeding premature and special-needs babies… (lisätietoja)

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näyttää 3/3
This book and Bestfeeding (Renfrew, Fisher, Arms) shaped my breastfeeding perspective and knowledge more than any other books I have ever read. This was the more technical of the two being focused mostly on solving more challenging breastfeeding issues. Jack Newman is a pioneer. Amazing. Amazing man. ( )
  cillakat | Jul 12, 2009 |
Best book out there on nursing your infant. Outlines the reasons why babies should be breastfed, both from a health and political perspective. ( )
  MarinaSurette | Sep 14, 2007 |
Sometimes feels too militant, but full of information that you don't necessarily read anywhere else.
1 ääni krsball | Mar 22, 2007 |
näyttää 3/3
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An Amazing Resource for Nursing Moms Although breastfeeding is the natural and healthy way to nourish your baby, it’s not always easy. Many new mothers are scared away from nursing because of difficulty getting started and lack of information about what to do when things don’t go as planned. In this fully revised and updated edition of The Ultimate Breastfeeding Book of Answers, two of today’s foremost lactation experts help new mothers overcome their fears, doubts, and practical concerns about one of the most special ways a mother can bond with her baby. In this comprehensive guide, Dr. Jack Newman, a leading authority on infant care, and Teresa Pitman, a La Leche League leader for more than twenty years, give you the facts about breastfeeding and provide solutions for the common problems that arise. Filled with the same practical advice that made the first edition a must-have for nursing moms, the new edition features updates on: • Achieving a good latch • What to do if your baby refuses the breast • Avoiding sore nipples • Ensuring your baby gets enough milk • Feeding a colicky baby • Breastfeeding premature and special-needs babies

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