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The Pre-Nup (2008)

Tekijä: Beth Kendrick

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioMaininnat
11820233,217 (3.49)3
All you need is love? For the residents of swanky Mayfair Estates, a pre-nup is just another item on the wedding to-do checklist--but three friends get more than they bargained for when they promise to love, cherish . . . and sign on the dotted line. Ellie married her handsome, wealthy Prince Charming when she was young, naive, and willing to sign a one-sided pre-nup in the name of true love. But seven years and one toddler later, her happily-ever-after has come screeching to a halt. If she can't save her marriage, she's determined to save her divorce, and she's not about to let a lot of legalese stand in her way. When Jen married Eric, he knew she wasn't head over heels. Still, he insisted that they were perfect together and even bankrolled her blossoming business. But when Jen's career finally takes off, she realizes that she may lose her husband. If Eric leaves, Jen will lose everything--including the marriage she values more than she thought. Up-and-coming attorney Mara is sure her fiancé has forgiven her for a foolish one-night fling--until he adds a "cheating clause" to the pre-nup she had demanded. If he really trusts her, why the clause? And if she's really trustworthy, why is she objecting? As romance collides with real life, three very different women turn to each other for moral support and insights about how to safeguard their most valuable assets: their hearts.… (lisätietoja)

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Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 20) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
A quick read. And, although it was a subject matter that is depressing, Kendrick did a good job of weaving strong friendships together throughout this book. I enjoyed reading it, and felt it was better (if not the best) book I've read by this author. Definitely a chick lit, quick-read winner. ( )
  jdy | Feb 19, 2011 |
I love Beth Kendrick's writing style. All the books I've read by her have been impossible to put down. I love how she weaves friendships and relationships. She also does an excellent job of having a common problem but with circumstances so different that it's multiple stories in one. Great read. ( )
  roseysweetpea | Jan 5, 2010 |
pretty simple but entertained me for an hour
  hammockqueen | Oct 2, 2009 |
Tämä arvostelu kirjoitettiin LibraryThingin Varhaisia arvostelijoita varten.
A quick and fun read, though a bit depressing. I'd have to label this as Chick Lit. 3 friends just happen to be at pivotal points in their relationships, all for different reasons, and together they attempt to get each other though it all. Classic storyline with a predictable ending. ( )
  staffoa | Jul 23, 2009 |
The Story Line

One of the things I like so much about Beth Kendrick’s writing is that, in the two books that I’ve read so far, she writes the story from a collection of several women’s perspectives. The same is true about The Prenup. In this story, the main characters are Ellie, Jen and Mara. Ellie is married to her wealthy “Prince Charming” who, very quickly in the story, we learn is a complete JERK (aka Cheater Cheater Pumpkin Eater). Her friend Jen is a health-nut, fitness crazed guru who has started up her own business selling a healthy “cola.” She is married to Eric, her best friend and business partner. Jen and Eric have their trials with being married more as friends than as romantically entwined lovers. Lastly, there is Mara, the brilliant lawyer who is engaged to Josh, the perfect guy. Mara and Josh have some hiccups along the way to the altar based around the issues of trust and the prenuptial agreement.

Ellie, Jen and Mara are friends who are there to support one another in the times of difficulty. And, they are not going to let anybody get the best of them!

The Review

I started and finished this book in one night. Kendrick’s writing is like hanging out with a girlfriend… it has an ease and familiarity to it. I just breezed right through it wanting to know how things turned out. There is a very surprising “turn of events” mid-book that I didn’t see coming. Rather, I had it pegged for going a completely different direction. I love it when an author surprises me like that! I very much enjoyed hating and loving some of the ancillary characters in the book, especially Alex and Patrice.

Kendrick’s books are, for me, the great escape in between the heavy literary reads I have been engaged in for the book club and the website; they are the light, breath of fresh air escape books that I crave! My mind needs to escape from my own world, thoughts, and worries. That’s why I love going to movies… to escape. What Kendrick brings me is the same escape in her books. I get folded into the characters’ world and the storyline very quickly and remain there until I gobble up all of the pages. And, due to the shifting of character view points, I don’t get bored with the protagonist… because there are several!

On the Sher’s “Out of Ten Scale:”

As you can see, I really enjoy Beth Kendrick’s writing style and I just being lifted into another world in reading her books. The twists and turns in this particular book were great and I loved the ride! For the genre Fiction:Women’s/Chick Lit, I am giving this book an 8.5 out of 10. For another great book, try The Nearlyweds. ( )
  ANovelMenagerie | Mar 19, 2009 |
Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 20) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
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All you need is love? For the residents of swanky Mayfair Estates, a pre-nup is just another item on the wedding to-do checklist--but three friends get more than they bargained for when they promise to love, cherish . . . and sign on the dotted line. Ellie married her handsome, wealthy Prince Charming when she was young, naive, and willing to sign a one-sided pre-nup in the name of true love. But seven years and one toddler later, her happily-ever-after has come screeching to a halt. If she can't save her marriage, she's determined to save her divorce, and she's not about to let a lot of legalese stand in her way. When Jen married Eric, he knew she wasn't head over heels. Still, he insisted that they were perfect together and even bankrolled her blossoming business. But when Jen's career finally takes off, she realizes that she may lose her husband. If Eric leaves, Jen will lose everything--including the marriage she values more than she thought. Up-and-coming attorney Mara is sure her fiancé has forgiven her for a foolish one-night fling--until he adds a "cheating clause" to the pre-nup she had demanded. If he really trusts her, why the clause? And if she's really trustworthy, why is she objecting? As romance collides with real life, three very different women turn to each other for moral support and insights about how to safeguard their most valuable assets: their hearts.

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Beth Kendrick's book The Pre-Nup was available from LibraryThing Early Reviewers.

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3 18
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5 6

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