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Crazy Horse

Tekijä: Jenny Oldfield

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
471545,291 (3.5)-
Juvenile Fiction. Juvenile Literature. HTML:

Kirstie Scott's life is consumed by love for her horses. Two of her favorites are best friends but polar opposites. Crazy Horse is wild and unruly; Cadillac, a beautiful and poised pedigree. One night, both horses disappear and Kirstie fears the worst. Can Kirstie track them down and bring both horses home safely? Or will the search reveal Kirstie's worst nightmare - that her beloved animals have been stolen?

Don't Miss the Horses of Half Moon Ranch, an incredible new horse series:

Johnny Mohawk

Third-Time Lucky

Midnight Lady

Rodeo Rocky

Wild Horses

About the Series:

Kirstie Scott lives with her family at Half Moon Ranch where her entire life is consumed by an undying love for horses. She finds the wild and dangerous terrain enticing and spends her afternoons riding through the tall forests and deep canyons. Kirstie always finds adventure in nature and never has a dull day.

Join Kirstie and her friends for four more action-packed adventures in this popular horse series.

What readers are saying about the Horses of Half Moon Ranch:

...this series is going to make quite a few little horse-crazy girls very, very happy!

This story is one that I enjoyed. I hope that the author will continue to display such talent in writing.

The detail and story line is great. I would recommend to any horse lover!

A wonderful story. This is a good read for any horse lover. I enjoyed it a lot.

Thought that I would read this book because I have read other books by this author and I love horses. I couldn't put this book down! An exciting and gripping read.

… (lisätietoja)

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Juvenile Fiction. Juvenile Literature. HTML:

Kirstie Scott's life is consumed by love for her horses. Two of her favorites are best friends but polar opposites. Crazy Horse is wild and unruly; Cadillac, a beautiful and poised pedigree. One night, both horses disappear and Kirstie fears the worst. Can Kirstie track them down and bring both horses home safely? Or will the search reveal Kirstie's worst nightmare - that her beloved animals have been stolen?

Don't Miss the Horses of Half Moon Ranch, an incredible new horse series:

Johnny Mohawk

Third-Time Lucky

Midnight Lady

Rodeo Rocky

Wild Horses

About the Series:

Kirstie Scott lives with her family at Half Moon Ranch where her entire life is consumed by an undying love for horses. She finds the wild and dangerous terrain enticing and spends her afternoons riding through the tall forests and deep canyons. Kirstie always finds adventure in nature and never has a dull day.

Join Kirstie and her friends for four more action-packed adventures in this popular horse series.

What readers are saying about the Horses of Half Moon Ranch:

...this series is going to make quite a few little horse-crazy girls very, very happy!

This story is one that I enjoyed. I hope that the author will continue to display such talent in writing.

The detail and story line is great. I would recommend to any horse lover!

A wonderful story. This is a good read for any horse lover. I enjoyed it a lot.

Thought that I would read this book because I have read other books by this author and I love horses. I couldn't put this book down! An exciting and gripping read.


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Keskiarvo: (3.5)
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4 1

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