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The Book About Books: The Anatomy of Bibliomania (1930)

Tekijä: Holbrook Jackson

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioMaininnat
583341,394 (3.96)21
"An unmitigated delight for any bibliophile, Holbrook Jackson's Anatomy of Bibliomania is the cornerstone of his indispensable trio of books on ""the usefulness, purpose, and pleasures that proceed from books.""The Anatomy of Bibliomania begins at the beginning, when books first started to appear, and gives book lovers the solace and company of book lovers from ancient Rome, the Renaissance, and the Romantics. Jackson inspects the allure of books, their curative and restorative properties, and the passion for them that leads to bibliomania (""a genial mania, less harmful than the sanity of the sane""). With deliciously understated wit, he comments on why we read, where we read - on journeys, at mealtimes, on the toilet (this has ""a long but mostly unrecorded history""), in bed, and in prison - and what happens to us when we read. He touches on bindings, bookworms, libraries, and the sport of book hunting, as well as the behavior of borrowers, embezzlers, thieves, and collectors. Francis Bacon, Anatole France, Oliver Wendell Holmes, Leigh Hunt, Marcel Proust, Ralph Waldo Emerson, William Shakespeare, and scores of other luminaries chime in on books and their love for them.Unlike most manias, bibliomania is an ennobling affliction, worth cultivating, improving, and enjoying to its heights and depths.Entertaining as well as instructive, The Anatomy of Bibliomania is a book no book lover - and certainly no bibliomaniac - can afford to be without."… (lisätietoja)

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Holbrook Jackson (1874-1948) è uno scrittore e critico inglese autore del più famoso libro sulla Bibliomania intitolato “Anatomia della Bibliomania”. Un testo che è una vera e proria delizia per il bibliofilo appassionato, un libro considerato da molti la pietra d’angolo sulla utilità, gli scopi ed i piaceri che nascono dall’amore per i libri. ”Anatomia della Bibliomania” inizia proprio dal principio, da quando cioè i libri cominciarono ad apparire sulla scena della vita dell’uomo. Il libro offre agli appassionati l’abbraccio e la compagnia dei tempi lontani, dal tempo dei Romani, del Rinascimento e del periodo romantico. Jackson studia a fondo la natura dei libri, ne conosce le loro proprietà terapeutiche e curative, le loro passioni intense che possono condurre alla manìa.

Una Bibliomania, egli dice, che è “geniale e comunque meno insana della sanità di chi si ritiene sano di mente”. Con arguzia leggera ed intelligente egli esprime le sue opinioni su perché si legge, dove si legge, quando si legge, cosa accade dentro di noi quando affrontiamo il viaggio coi libri. Egli ci parla dell’allestimento dei libri, dei vermi che li abitano, delle biblioteche che li ospitano, dello sport della caccia dei libri, del carattere e del comportamento di chi compra i libri, di chi li abbellisce, li decora, chi li ruba, chi li prende in prestito, chi li colleziona. Francesco Bacone, Anatole France, Emerson, Shakespeare e innumerevoli altri autori sono presenti in questo suo libro e animano questa eterna mania.

Quasi un’afflizione che arricchisce, che vale la pena coltivare, conoscere, migliorare in tutti i sensi. Un libro istruttivo quello di Jackson, affascinante, godibile, di un piacere al quale nessun amico dei libri può sottrarsi. Lo scopriremo insieme allorquando esaminerò i capitoli nei quali il libro è strutturato, un tomo di oltre seicento pagine, suddiviso in 32 sezioni. Un lungo, straordinario percorso di lettura scritto sulla falsariga di un’altra famosa opera scritta con un intento anatomico maniacale simile a questo e che va sotto il nome di “The Anatomy of Melancholy”: una “Anatomia della Follia”.

Seguitemi nella lettura dei post che vi proporrò e non vi pentirete della vostra bibliomania. Ma il viaggio che faremo nel libri, nella mente di chi li scrive, nella vita di chi li legge, li vende, li compra, li raccoglie, li stampa, li colleziona, li trasforma in un modo od un un altro, non si fermerà a Jackson. Sono trascorsi molti anni da quando venne pubblicato il suo libro. Molta acqua è passata sotto i ponti dove scorrono i libri. La moderna tecnologia ha letteralmente trasformato non solo il modo di scrivere, stampare e pubblicare i libri, ma anche quello di pensarli in maniera creativa.

Il libro moderno è destinato ad essere diverso, molto diverso da quello che abbiamo conosciuto fino ad oggi. Non sarà più solo cartaceo, bensì digitale, elettronico, “liquido”. Vale a dire, in un continuo divenire, non più limitato nel tempo ed allo spazio, ma capace di andare oltre. Per mezzo del tempo e dello spazio i “nuovi” libri saranno capaci di rinnovarsi ed integrarsi tramite connessioni impensabili prima, possibili oggi con le nuove tecnologie. Un viaggio affascinante, sempre nuovo e diverso, nella biblioteca della vita. ( )
  AntonioGallo | Apr 5, 2023 |
This is a good read; I'd have called it a great read if I hadn't already read The Bookish Life of Nina Hill and The Garden of Small Beginnings, but I have and it doesn't quite measure up. The snappy wit that made me laugh out loud in the first two books was much more subdued in Adult Assembly Required (a title that doesn't make any obvious sense after reading the book), and while all three tackled some pretty serious anxiety issues, the first two did it with a level of tension that AAR never achieved. I think I also 'clicked' with Nina and Lily, the MC's of each of the first two books in a way that I didn't connect with Laura.

Saying that, it really is a good read; I may not have connected with the MC, but holy wow, her parents - well, her mom, really since dad never got any direct page time - was a piece of work. As was her ex-fiancee. I've met these people in real life, but I'm sort of surprised in this day and age they haven't gone the way of the dodo. I really enjoyed seeing the characters from Nina and Garden come back, all slightly further ahead in time; it's fun to see the 'after' part of their happily ever afters.

I'm caught up now with my Waxman reads, but I'll be on the lookout for whatever she writes next - they're fun without being horribly shallow, without being stories about a bunch of drama llamas. A fabulous summer read, even if where you live is in the middle of winter. ( )
  murderbydeath | Jul 4, 2022 |
An unusual but interesting book. To be honest, if I had known what I was getting into I might never have started this book. Although it was a very slow read, requiring several months of start and stop reading, I'm glad that I did continue and finish. Many interesting and unusual facts about books and the people who collect them, read them, and love them are presented by Jackson. In the end, he sums up his thesis as 'Read what you like, because you like it, seeking no other reason and no other profit than the experience of reading.'
1 ääni hailelib | Jan 3, 2010 |
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Tiedot englanninkielisestä Yhteisestä tiedosta. Muokkaa kotoistaaksesi se omalle kielellesi.
Books, the most noble and excellent creations of Man, are, saith one, for company, the best Friends; in doubts Councellours; in Damps Comfortors; Time's Perspective, the home Traveller's Ship, or Horse, the busie man's best Recreation, the Opiate of Idle Weariness, the Mindes best Ordinary, Nature's Garden and Seed-plot of Immortality.
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Viittaukset tähän teokseen muissa lähteissä.

Englanninkielinen Wikipedia (2)

"An unmitigated delight for any bibliophile, Holbrook Jackson's Anatomy of Bibliomania is the cornerstone of his indispensable trio of books on ""the usefulness, purpose, and pleasures that proceed from books.""The Anatomy of Bibliomania begins at the beginning, when books first started to appear, and gives book lovers the solace and company of book lovers from ancient Rome, the Renaissance, and the Romantics. Jackson inspects the allure of books, their curative and restorative properties, and the passion for them that leads to bibliomania (""a genial mania, less harmful than the sanity of the sane""). With deliciously understated wit, he comments on why we read, where we read - on journeys, at mealtimes, on the toilet (this has ""a long but mostly unrecorded history""), in bed, and in prison - and what happens to us when we read. He touches on bindings, bookworms, libraries, and the sport of book hunting, as well as the behavior of borrowers, embezzlers, thieves, and collectors. Francis Bacon, Anatole France, Oliver Wendell Holmes, Leigh Hunt, Marcel Proust, Ralph Waldo Emerson, William Shakespeare, and scores of other luminaries chime in on books and their love for them.Unlike most manias, bibliomania is an ennobling affliction, worth cultivating, improving, and enjoying to its heights and depths.Entertaining as well as instructive, The Anatomy of Bibliomania is a book no book lover - and certainly no bibliomaniac - can afford to be without."

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