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The Last Link: Closing the Gap That Is Sabotaging Your Business

Tekijä: Gregg Crawford

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
2211,026,295 (1)-
In Gregg Crawford s twenty-five years combating profit killers for Fortune 500 companies with BayGroup International, he has discovered that most organizations have the same weaknesses. The same problems eat away at their margins and revenue, sabotage corporate growth, and destroy competitive standing. There is a gap between their careful plans and what actually happens. In The Last Link, Crawford offers sharp, research analysis; practical company-wide fixes, and a watertight implementation process to close that gap and move performance numbers in the right direction quarter after quarter, and year after year.… (lisätietoja)

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This book has a lot of great ideas which come out well in a book. However, I found it too hard to focus on in audio format. ( )
  GShuk | Oct 18, 2009 |
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In Gregg Crawford s twenty-five years combating profit killers for Fortune 500 companies with BayGroup International, he has discovered that most organizations have the same weaknesses. The same problems eat away at their margins and revenue, sabotage corporate growth, and destroy competitive standing. There is a gap between their careful plans and what actually happens. In The Last Link, Crawford offers sharp, research analysis; practical company-wide fixes, and a watertight implementation process to close that gap and move performance numbers in the right direction quarter after quarter, and year after year.

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