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There's a Sea in My Bedroom

Tekijä: Margaret Wild

Muut tekijät: Jane Tanner (Kuvittaja)

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioMaininnat
2521107,026 (4.17)4
David is frightened of the sea. He does not like it at all, not one bit. But then one day he finds a conch shell at the beach and takes it home - and he hears the sea trapped inside. 'Come out, sea, come out,' he says softly. 'I won't hurt you.' This beautifully illustrated story by award winning author Margaret Wild captures the magic of a child's fantasy world.… (lisätietoja)

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» Katso myös 4 mainintaa

For this review and to learn more about Margaret Wild, please visit www.readrantrockandroll.com

There's a Sea in my Bedroom is a book about a boy named David who doesn't like water and is afraid of the sea, but he loves to collect shells. One day he comes across a special conch shell and learns that he can hear the sea when he puts it up to his ear. At home that evening there’s no limit to David’s imagination. Follow along in the story with David and learn how he overcomes his fear of the sea.

I enjoyed looking at the illustrations and seeing how the story unfolds. The story sends a wonderful message to children about how they are capable of conquering their fears.

4**** ( )
  Mischenko | Nov 30, 2017 |
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Margaret Wildensisijainen tekijäkaikki painoksetlaskettu
Tanner, JaneKuvittajamuu tekijäkaikki painoksetvahvistettu
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David is frightened of the sea. He does not like it at all, not one bit. But then one day he finds a conch shell at the beach and takes it home - and he hears the sea trapped inside. 'Come out, sea, come out,' he says softly. 'I won't hurt you.' This beautifully illustrated story by award winning author Margaret Wild captures the magic of a child's fantasy world.

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