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Beat Down to Your Soul: What Was the Beat Generation?

Tekijä: Ann Charters

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961284,834 (3.89)-
In this wide-ranging anthology, Beat scholar Ann Charters brings together more than seventy-five essays, reviews, memoirs, poems, and sketches that evoke the credos and the controversies surrounding the Beat generation writers of the 1950s. Charters includes discussions of all the major Beat figures-Jack Kerouac, William Burroughs, Allen Ginsberg, Neal Cassady, Diane di Prima, Gary Snyder, and many more-from commentaries by the Beats themselves as well as by such writers as Henry Miller, William Carlos Williams, Mary McCarthy, Joyce Carol Oates, Tom Wolfe, Grace Paley, and Henry Louis Gates, Jr. Charters also explores the humorous side of the Beat generation, its place in post-war American culture, and the contribution of the important women authors who also wrote Beat.… (lisätietoja)

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See: pp. 206-208, Letter from A. Ginsberg to John Allen Ryan (Sept. 9, 1955) describes Ginsberg organizing the infamous Six Gallery reading. pp. 208-219, Letter from A. Ginsberg to New York Times critic Richard Eberhart (May 18, 1956) clarifying & defending Howl. pp. 343-355 'Where the Open Road Meets Howl,' essay by Ian Marshall. pp. 371-377, Michael McClure describes the Six Gallery reading. pp. 413-414, Poet Czeslaw Milosz responds to Howl in a poem, 'To Allen Ginsberg.' pp. 602-603, William Carlos Williams' introduction to Howl for Carl Solomon. No index, but a long table of contents, a chronology of Beat publications, and a selected bibliography.
  HowlAtCLP | Nov 8, 2009 |
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In this wide-ranging anthology, Beat scholar Ann Charters brings together more than seventy-five essays, reviews, memoirs, poems, and sketches that evoke the credos and the controversies surrounding the Beat generation writers of the 1950s. Charters includes discussions of all the major Beat figures-Jack Kerouac, William Burroughs, Allen Ginsberg, Neal Cassady, Diane di Prima, Gary Snyder, and many more-from commentaries by the Beats themselves as well as by such writers as Henry Miller, William Carlos Williams, Mary McCarthy, Joyce Carol Oates, Tom Wolfe, Grace Paley, and Henry Louis Gates, Jr. Charters also explores the humorous side of the Beat generation, its place in post-war American culture, and the contribution of the important women authors who also wrote Beat.

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