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Kokopelli: Casanova of the Cliff Dwellers: The Hunchbacked Flute Player

Tekijä: John V. Young

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
862316,794 (3)-
A booklet describes the legendary Pueblo Indian character Kokopelli as reflected in myth and story, as well as his depiction in rock paintings of the Southwest.

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näyttää 2/2
This booklet was available in truck stops and curio shops around the Southwest in the 1990s, which is where I picked it up. It's a fun read, telling a few short legends about Kokopelli and mentioning various depictions in rock art. It has far more pictures than texts, many of them taken from nineteenth century sources. But unfortunately the booklet has no organizing principle. Also, virtually everything it talks about is presented in a very sketchy, general manner. The booklet describes nothing in depth. One plus, though, is the bibliography, which allows an interested reader to delve deeper. This book is a fun 20 minutes reading, but I would have preferred a more substantial work. ( )
  marc_beherec | Aug 23, 2014 |
This is a very short document about Kokopelli who is often seen in petroglyphs around the Southwest. The author has included many pictures and tells where these art works can be found. However, I was looking for a little more information about Kokopelli. What are the stories behind him? Was he a god or a man? I feel this topic could have been greatly expanded with some research. ( )
  gcamp | May 16, 2011 |
näyttää 2/2
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Englanninkielinen Wikipedia (1)

A booklet describes the legendary Pueblo Indian character Kokopelli as reflected in myth and story, as well as his depiction in rock paintings of the Southwest.

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2.5 1
3 5
3.5 1

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