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Beautiful Stranger

Tekijä: Zoey Dean

Sarjat: The A-List {Dean} (book 9)

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
1664166,455 (3.79)-
Drama. Romance. Young Adult Fiction. Anna decides to take an end-of-summer getaway-to get away from her drama-filled LA life. So she packs her Louis Vuitton, grabs her close friend Sam, and heads to the Big Apple. Between trips to the Met and shopping at Bendel's, the girls are living the A-List life on Anna's home turf. But their trip isn't exactly a vacation. Sam is here to spy on Eduardo and decode his recent strange behavior. Will what she discovers send her hopping on the next private jet back to Beverly Hills? And who is the beautiful stranger who appears on Anna's Upper East Side doorstep? Anna begins to wonder whether she wants to head back west again-especially since Ben seems to have moved on . . . with someone who isn't a stranger at all. When it comes to the A-List, there's drama coast to coast.… (lisätietoja)

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näyttää 4/4
Loved it! I finished it last night, and was sad it was over. I thought there were a few more pages, but it was just stuff about Gossip Girls :[ ( )
  ginuh | Mar 21, 2010 |
Reviewed by Randstostipher "tallnlankyrn" Nguyen for TeensReadToo.com

Previously in The A-List: Cammie and Anna had to work together on a fashion show, against their will, after getting caught trespassing on private property. Sam was trying to keep all the pieces in her life together, while Caine and Adam ran out of luck.

Now the A-Listers are back and this time, it's every person for themselves.

Anna wants to get away and clear her head since everything unexpected that has been happening to her. And so, along with her traveling buddy, instead of going to Mexico, her and Sam are off to Anna's hometown, New York. But Sam is there with a different motive: Could her boyfriend possibly be hiding something from her? So now playing private detective is the only way to solve her problems.

Back in L.A., Cammie isn't wasting her time staying single. She needs, no wants, to move on, and since Ben and Anna aren't really a couple now, Ben is looking better by the minute. Besides, she had already warned Anna about her plans if things didn't work out with Adam.

But does Anna really need Ben, since she is trying to become more independent, and now has someone from her past back in her life, possibly for good? And will Cammie successfully snag Ben, or will Ben wait for the one who he says he loves?

Another drama-filled installment that will leave us wanting more, BEAUTIFUL STRANGER will not disappoint any fan of the series. Look out for the next one, CALIFORNIA DREAMING, releasing in April 2008. ( )
  GeniusJen | Oct 9, 2009 |
Miss Percy's heart was fond of another. I like this new guy...well not new to her anyway! ( )
  jaggirl53 | Mar 12, 2008 |
this was one of my favorites of the series because it took anna away from the beverly hills girls and gave her the chance to broaden her horizons and not get lost in the glamour and drama of bh...
  alicia591 | Nov 4, 2007 |
näyttää 4/4
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Drama. Romance. Young Adult Fiction. Anna decides to take an end-of-summer getaway-to get away from her drama-filled LA life. So she packs her Louis Vuitton, grabs her close friend Sam, and heads to the Big Apple. Between trips to the Met and shopping at Bendel's, the girls are living the A-List life on Anna's home turf. But their trip isn't exactly a vacation. Sam is here to spy on Eduardo and decode his recent strange behavior. Will what she discovers send her hopping on the next private jet back to Beverly Hills? And who is the beautiful stranger who appears on Anna's Upper East Side doorstep? Anna begins to wonder whether she wants to head back west again-especially since Ben seems to have moved on . . . with someone who isn't a stranger at all. When it comes to the A-List, there's drama coast to coast.

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