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The Original Homeschooling Series

Tekijä: Charlotte M. Mason

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
277196,751 (4.43)-
Education. Nonfiction. HTML:

This is the complete unabridged and authorized edition of the works of turn-of-the-century British educator Charlotte Mason, with a forward by Dr. John Thorley of The Charlotte Mason College. This six-volume set includes over 2400 pages on education, child training and parenting. Recognized as a pioneer in home education and major school reforms, Charlotte Mason's practical methods are as revolutionary today as when they were first written. These books were out of print for over 80 years until Dean & Karen Andreola brought them to America in while returning from a mission s trip in the spring of 1987. A Charlotte Mason educational revival soon followed. Charlotte Mason s writings reflect a lifetime of experience teaching children and training teachers. Her topics are meaty. Her ideas radiate brilliantly in the thoughts of those who take the time to ponder them. With each idea comes a practical how-to "for bringing up children within the educational life." The power of attention, moral character, the discipline of habit, safeguarding a child s curiosity, is a tiny peek at the topics presented. Although Miss Mason began writing in the 1880s, her principles still apply. Today's homeschool parents are seeing first-hand how wonderfully they work. After ten years of intense study and application of Miss Mason s principles with her own children, Karen Andreola wrote A Charlotte Mason Companion: Personal Reflections on the Gentle Art of Learning. Now today's parents can see what a Charlotte Mason education looks like in a contemporary setting while gleaning from its many benefits.

.… (lisätietoja)

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This is the 3rd volume for children aged 9-12. She suggests parents should practice what she calls "masterly inactivity"-not neglectful or permissive parenting, but simply allowing children to work things out for themselves, do things for themselves, learn from their own mistakes, and to have time for free play, and space for spontaneity.
  phoovermt | May 7, 2023 |
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Katso lisäohjeita Common Knowledge -sivuilta (englanniksi).
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Tiedot englanninkielisestä Yhteisestä tiedosta. Muokkaa kotoistaaksesi se omalle kielellesi.
Please do not combine the set with any of the individual volumes.
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Viittaukset tähän teokseen muissa lähteissä.

Englanninkielinen Wikipedia


Education. Nonfiction. HTML:

This is the complete unabridged and authorized edition of the works of turn-of-the-century British educator Charlotte Mason, with a forward by Dr. John Thorley of The Charlotte Mason College. This six-volume set includes over 2400 pages on education, child training and parenting. Recognized as a pioneer in home education and major school reforms, Charlotte Mason's practical methods are as revolutionary today as when they were first written. These books were out of print for over 80 years until Dean & Karen Andreola brought them to America in while returning from a mission s trip in the spring of 1987. A Charlotte Mason educational revival soon followed. Charlotte Mason s writings reflect a lifetime of experience teaching children and training teachers. Her topics are meaty. Her ideas radiate brilliantly in the thoughts of those who take the time to ponder them. With each idea comes a practical how-to "for bringing up children within the educational life." The power of attention, moral character, the discipline of habit, safeguarding a child s curiosity, is a tiny peek at the topics presented. Although Miss Mason began writing in the 1880s, her principles still apply. Today's homeschool parents are seeing first-hand how wonderfully they work. After ten years of intense study and application of Miss Mason s principles with her own children, Karen Andreola wrote A Charlotte Mason Companion: Personal Reflections on the Gentle Art of Learning. Now today's parents can see what a Charlotte Mason education looks like in a contemporary setting while gleaning from its many benefits.


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