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GUI Bloopers 2.0: Common User Interface Design Don'ts and Dos (2008)

Tekijä: Jeff Johnson

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
911300,103 (3.83)-
Is your application or Web site ready for prime time? A major revision of a classic reference, GUI Bloopers 2.0 looks at user interface design bloopers from commercial software, Web sites, Web applications, and information appliances, explaining how intelligent, well-intentioned professionals make these mistakes--and how you can avoid them. While equipping you with the minimum of theory, GUI expert Jeff Johnson presents the reality of interface design in an entertaining, anecdotal, and instructive way.* Updated to reflect the bloopers that are common today, incorporating many c… (lisätietoja)

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I like the straight-forward format of listing all the common problems and then potential remedies for each, as opposed to other books where the author dwells so much on the "process", anecdotes, and trivial filler content.

Of the 80+ points listed in this book, some are great Don's:
- Using checkboxes for non-ON/OFF setting
- Using dynamic menus where items change
- Using tabs as radio buttons
- Negative checkboxes
- Same title on different windows
- Asking user for random seeds
- Long ops don’t display progress
- Long ops provide no way to cancel
- Giving programmers the fastest computers

While some other donts are a bit too trvial, I think, such as these:
- Tiny fonts
- Too much text
- Bad writing.
- Cursor can’t keep up.
- “Cancel” doesn’t cancel
- Treating ui as low pri.
- Bad initial window location.
- Noisy search result
- Labels too far from data field.

But I suppose there is value in completeness.

Have not read the v1.0 of this book, so perhaps there were more interesting tidbits in the earlier edition. ( )
  davekong | Jan 9, 2008 |
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Is your application or Web site ready for prime time? A major revision of a classic reference, GUI Bloopers 2.0 looks at user interface design bloopers from commercial software, Web sites, Web applications, and information appliances, explaining how intelligent, well-intentioned professionals make these mistakes--and how you can avoid them. While equipping you with the minimum of theory, GUI expert Jeff Johnson presents the reality of interface design in an entertaining, anecdotal, and instructive way.* Updated to reflect the bloopers that are common today, incorporating many c

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