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Shadow Music

Tekijä: Julie Garwood

Muut tekijät: Katso muut tekijät -osio.

Sarjat: Buchanan-Renard-MacKenna/FBI (Prequel), Highlands' Lairds (3)

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioMaininnat
1,0812019,079 (3.51)11
Fiction. Romance. Suspense. Thriller. HTML:“Action, drama, desire, revenge: Shadow Music includes all the necessary ingredients for romantics to plunge into the moors, mountains and magical myth of medieval Scotland.”—The Roanoke Times
Prized for her exquisite beauty, Princess Gabrielle of St. Biel, the daughter of one of England’s most influential barons, is a perfect bargaining chip for a king who needs peace in the Highlands: King John has arranged Gabrielle’s marriage to a good and gentle laird. But this marriage will never take place. 
Upon her arrival in Scotland, Gabrielle is immediately entangled in Highland intrigue, as a battle royal flares between enemies old and new. For two sadistic noblemen, underestimating Gabrielle’s bravery and prowess may prove fatal. Colm MacHugh, the most feared man in Scotland, makes no such mistakes about the captivating princess. Under his penetrating gaze, neither Gabrielle’s body nor her heart is safe.
“No one does historical romance better than Garwood. . . . Gabrielle is an enchanting heroine.”—The State (Columbia, S.C.)
“A compelling historical romance.”—Publishers Weekly.
… (lisätietoja)

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» Katso myös 11 mainintaa

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Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 21) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
Agraciada con una belleza exquisita e hija de uno de los barones más influyentes de Inglaterra, Gabrielle St.Biel es también un perfecto objeto de intercambio para el rey Juan, que necesita que la paz llegue a las Highlands. Con ese objetivo, ha dispuesto el casamiento de Gabrielle con un terrateniente. Pero este matrimonio nunca llegará a celebrarse, debido a un episodio violento. Gabrielle, de un flechazo que parte de su arco, acaba con una vida, salva otra y desencadena una guerra.
  Natt90 | Sep 27, 2022 |
How am I ever going to find another Highlander Historical Romance series as good as this one?

Julie Garwood created three separate complex stories with lovable heroines and despicable villains. Her male protagonists are strong and honorable not horny and pushy. A lot of historical romance writers make the mistake of making the hero think with his loins instead of his mind. It annoys the hell out of me but Julie Garwood doesn't do that. And her heroines are classy yet full of spark.

In this book, Gabrielle witnesses a horrible act while traveling to the abbey where she will be married in one weeks time in the Highlands. King John is marrying her to an old Highland laird to win favor with the Highlanders.She and her guards see men disguised in monk robes trying to bury a man alive.

To save him, Gabrielle kills one of them with her bow and arrow. She and her guards sneak him into the abbey to get him help. They do not want anyone to find out they saw anything because they don't know what happened and who to trust.

The injured man is the brother of a brutal Highland laird named Colm MacHugh and he wants answers. If he can find the person who saved his brother, he might be able to get proof of who wanted him dead.

Colm MacHugh was the perfect Highlander male. He was disciplined, stubborn and a man of few words yet honorable. He would never lay a hand on a woman but he is also afraid love weakens a man so he holds back his feelings. I was pretty much in love with him throughout the book.

I am going to have a hard time finding a series that lives up to this one now that it's finished.

www.paranormalromanceslut.com ( )
  dragonlion | Jul 30, 2022 |
Agraciada con una belleza exquisita e hija de uno de los barones más influyentes de Inglaterra, Gabrielle St.Biel es también un perfecto objeto de intercambio para el rey Juan, que necesita que la paz llegue a las Highlands. Con ese objetivo, ha dispuesto el casamiento de Gabrielle con un terrateniente.

Pero este matrimonio nunca llegará a celebrarse, debido a un episodio violento. Gabrielle, de un flechazo que parte de su arco, acaba con una vida, salva otra y desencadena una guerra.

Colm MacHugh, el hombre más temido de Escocia, encontrará una nueva causa para poner de manifiesto su coraje. Ante su presencia, ni el cuerpo ni el corazón de Gabrielle estarán a salvo...
  Mokika | Jan 19, 2020 |

I feel like this story was rushed. I keep comparing it to Ransom and it just doesn’t seem like it was the same author that wrote it. I had to finish it since I started it 😂 ( )
  pistachioph | Aug 25, 2018 |
Many fans of Julie Garwood are probably overjoyed that she has returned to historical romance - no one does it better. Described as "exquisitely beautiful." Princess Gabrielle is certainly worth more than a trade, but that's what King John uses her for in an attempt to make peace in the Highlands. He offers her in marriage to a Scottish laird.

The journey to meet her laird is not an easy one as she and her escorts come upon a dreadful sight - some thieves are attempting to bury a man alive. Gabrielle to the rescue! She saves the man's life and chases off the despicable brutes. A short while later r husband-to-be is murdered, and she is banished.

Banishment is not so bad after all when she is taken in by Colm MacHugh. As is said, "the path of true love never runs smooth," so it's a rocky road rutted with considerable danger for Gabrielle and Colm. ( )
  Carol420 | May 31, 2016 |
Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 21) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
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» Lisää muita tekijöitä

Tekijän nimiRooliTekijän tyyppiKoskeeko teosta?Tila
Julie Garwoodensisijainen tekijäkaikki painoksetlaskettu
Landor, RosalynKertojamuu tekijäeräät painoksetvahvistettu
Tóth, Gizellamuu tekijäeräät painoksetvahvistettu

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Viittaukset tähän teokseen muissa lähteissä.

Englanninkielinen Wikipedia


Fiction. Romance. Suspense. Thriller. HTML:“Action, drama, desire, revenge: Shadow Music includes all the necessary ingredients for romantics to plunge into the moors, mountains and magical myth of medieval Scotland.”—The Roanoke Times
Prized for her exquisite beauty, Princess Gabrielle of St. Biel, the daughter of one of England’s most influential barons, is a perfect bargaining chip for a king who needs peace in the Highlands: King John has arranged Gabrielle’s marriage to a good and gentle laird. But this marriage will never take place. 
Upon her arrival in Scotland, Gabrielle is immediately entangled in Highland intrigue, as a battle royal flares between enemies old and new. For two sadistic noblemen, underestimating Gabrielle’s bravery and prowess may prove fatal. Colm MacHugh, the most feared man in Scotland, makes no such mistakes about the captivating princess. Under his penetrating gaze, neither Gabrielle’s body nor her heart is safe.
“No one does historical romance better than Garwood. . . . Gabrielle is an enchanting heroine.”—The State (Columbia, S.C.)
“A compelling historical romance.”—Publishers Weekly.

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