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The Friendly Beasts: An Old English Christmas Carol

Tekijä: Tomie dePaola

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747530,465 (4.22)2
In this old English Christmas carol the friendly stable beasts tell of the gifts they have given to the newborn Jesus.

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näyttää 5/5
Using the classic English Christmas carol, The Friendly Beasts, for his text, celebrated American picture-book artist Tomie dePaola creates a lovely holiday title here. As the verses describe the gifts that the animals of the stable gave to the Christ Child, the artwork alternates between depictions of those animals, and wordless two-page spreads depicting scenes from the Nativity Story. The complete carol, with musical notation, is included at the rear...

The Friendly Beasts: An Old English Christmas Carol is a beautiful book, and dePaola is in top form here. His style is unique, his people and animals instantly recognizable to anyone who has ever picked up one of his titles. As someone who grew up with his books, I find it rather difficult to analyze his work at times, but it sometimes strikes me as being a delicious blend of Renaissance and folk-art styles. Whatever the case might be, it appeals to me greatly, and this one was no exception. The text here reads very well, and would make, with its repetitive structure, for an excellent read-aloud. This may be my favorite presentation of this carol, which can also be found in picture-book form in Helen Ward's The Animals' Christmas Carol, Sarah Chamberlain's The Friendly Beasts: A Traditional Christmas Carol and Rebecca St. James' The Friendly Beasts: An Old English Christmas Carol. Recommended to dePaola fans, and to anyone looking for picture-books featuring Christmas carols. ( )
  AbigailAdams26 | Dec 22, 2018 |
Tomie dePaola is an American writer who has created over 250 children's books. The reviewer for "Booklist said of "The Friendly Beasts. . ."The simple strains of this old Christmas melody are superbly reflected in the graceful, delicate, yet strong images that dePaola brings to the page. . .A Christmas remembrance to be long treasured."
  uufnn | Jul 22, 2018 |
The Friendly Beasts: An Old English Christmas Carol by Tomie dePaola. Library section: 11 A: Pre-K, Religion and Character-building. This lovely version of the carol with illustrations done in Tomie’s earlier artistic style is perfect for pre-K tots. And of course, you MUST sing this as you read or else it isn’t nearly as fun. Your kids will love you for it. In this carol, each animal tells how she contributed to Jesus’ birth. As each animal gives her remarks, Tomie shows the animal in a full side view so a toddler can learn to identify the animals – donkey, cow, sheep and doves.
Those familiar with the Bible will recognize the Annunciation in a narrow strip along the top of the front cover, where the angel announces to Mary that she will give birth to God’s son. The Annunciation was a popular subject for Renaissance artists if you recall your Art History survey course in college. Point this out to your child and tell them what is happening in the scene. This only adds to the book’s effectiveness and charm. This book alone won an American Library Association Notable Book Award, a Booklist Reviewer’s Choice, Boston Globe Horn Book Honor Book, and American Bookseller Pick of the Lists. That’s Tomie – consistent excellence in writing and illustration. I can’t imagine the world of children’s literature without Tomie dePaola. He leads the pack.
I had a small Golden book version of this carol that I kept for the Christmas season for my kids. We’d sing it together as we looked at the pictures. Being a ham, I would do animal voices– the donkey, cow, sheep, etc. I’d throw in a hee-haw, moo, baa, and coo. The kids loved it. I also created a little tradition in our house. After every Epiphany I’d put our Christmas books away until the following Thanksgiving. On Thanksgiving afternoon, the kids stuffed with turkey, would get out the Christmas books for the Advent, Christmas and Epiphany seasons, and immediately begin to read them all, enjoying them once again as if they were new. Actually they were more like old beloved friends. I’m sure you also have favorite Christmas books from your childhood. This is a nice tradition to start in your family too. It makes Christmas books special and helps your child learn about the seasons of the church year. ( )
  Epiphany-OviedoELCA | Aug 26, 2011 |
The animals of the stable are often the focus of children’s Christmas picture books, possibly because children tend to love animals and because they are so lovely in illustrations. The image of the babe in the manger, humbly surrounded by gentle animals, is a memorable part of the season.

One such book that I love is Tomie dePaola’s The Friendly Beasts. I like Tomie dePaola’s illustration style for this Christmas carol, although there are many available. I believe dePaola’s simple illustrations fit the song well. He frames the carol with three boys singing, although the majority of the book illustrates the manger, the animals, and people worshiping the newborn Savior. Every other page is a two-page spread with the specific animal near the baby Jesus. When I was young, “The Friendly Beasts” was, in a way, our family Christmas carol, especially my favorite. My favorite verse is of the doves.
1 ääni rebeccareid | Jan 6, 2009 |
  Infinityand1 | Aug 2, 2016 |
näyttää 5/5
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For Wolfgang and Hanni
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Jesus our brother, stong and good,
Was humbly born in a stable rude;
And the friendly beasts around HIm stood,
Jesus our brother, strong and good.
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In this old English Christmas carol the friendly stable beasts tell of the gifts they have given to the newborn Jesus.

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