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Noah Webster's Advice to the Young and Moral Catechism

Tekijä: Noah Webster

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1261218,692 (4.79)1
With direct appeal to the younger audience, Noah WEBSTER'S ADVICE TO THE YOUNG, gently inculcates respect for authority, social responsiblitity, religious obligation, & productive citizenship. Of course, we know Webster through our tattered dictionaries, but he was more than lexicographer; he was "America's Schoolmaster." Webster's work conquered ignorance, & perpetuated the ideals of the new Republic. Indeed, he taught millions to read, & his books captivated young readers throughout the newly formed United States. WallBuilders Press preserves the timeless words of the sagacious Webster in this reprint of ADVICE TO THE YOUNG (1832) & MORAL CATECHISM (1783). Taken from two of his earlier works, Webster's ADVICE seeks to "enlighten the minds of youth in religious & moral principles," & "to restrain some of the common vices of our country." He speaks to the heart of America; he speaks to our children. Webster's work specifically delights a library's younger audience. Bookstores will appreciate the attractive cover illustrating a handsome young Webster superimposed upon an idyllic country-school setting. This & other books-including several historical reprints-as well as videos & audios, are available from WallBuilders, Inc., P.O. Box 397, Aledo, TX 76008, 1-800-873-2845. Discounts available, net 30, returns on overstock.… (lisätietoja)

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» Katso myös 1 maininta

3 Education alone will render the American Revolution a blessing to mankind. Benjamin Rush
5 his new and novel plan for an American system of education
6 Webster's Institutes...being the only complete System of School Education ever published by an American author
9 Between 1802-1806, he authored and published his Elements of Useful Knowledge, a three-volume work filled with American history...
10 While in Mass., Webster served three terms in the state legislature, working to secure permanent funding for an educational system that would "discipline our youth in early life in sound maxims of moral, political, and religious duties."
11 In 1832, he revised his three-volume Elements of Useful Knowledge into a single, small history book for schools called the History of the US, It was clearly an American view of history; and just as his Institutes helped shape the structure of American language, this work helped shape the teaching of history
16 Even Webster's massive dictionary provides at least two striking illustrations of his insistence on Christianity in education. Fist, as Webster explained in its preface, that great dictionary was dedicated to God: "to the great and benevolent Being, who during the preparation of this work, has sustained a feeble constitution, amidst obstacles and toils, disappointments, infirmities and depression...
17 "...Only two men have stood on the New World whose fame is so sure to last--Columbus, its discoverer, and Washington its savior. Webster is, and will be its great teacher; and these three make our trinity of fame."

21, 29 Advice to the Young, from History of the US, gives as its first five points, respect for and obedience to parents.
27 Goodness or holiness is the only source of real happiness; it is therefore necessary to be holy in order to be happy...
  keithhamblen | Jan 3, 2018 |
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With direct appeal to the younger audience, Noah WEBSTER'S ADVICE TO THE YOUNG, gently inculcates respect for authority, social responsiblitity, religious obligation, & productive citizenship. Of course, we know Webster through our tattered dictionaries, but he was more than lexicographer; he was "America's Schoolmaster." Webster's work conquered ignorance, & perpetuated the ideals of the new Republic. Indeed, he taught millions to read, & his books captivated young readers throughout the newly formed United States. WallBuilders Press preserves the timeless words of the sagacious Webster in this reprint of ADVICE TO THE YOUNG (1832) & MORAL CATECHISM (1783). Taken from two of his earlier works, Webster's ADVICE seeks to "enlighten the minds of youth in religious & moral principles," & "to restrain some of the common vices of our country." He speaks to the heart of America; he speaks to our children. Webster's work specifically delights a library's younger audience. Bookstores will appreciate the attractive cover illustrating a handsome young Webster superimposed upon an idyllic country-school setting. This & other books-including several historical reprints-as well as videos & audios, are available from WallBuilders, Inc., P.O. Box 397, Aledo, TX 76008, 1-800-873-2845. Discounts available, net 30, returns on overstock.

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