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Hittite Warrior

Tekijä: Joanne Williamson

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioMaininnat
1,118318,142 (3.69)5
In ca. 1200 B.C., Uriah the Hittite leaves his conquered homeland and, following his father's instruction, seeks refuge with an old family friend, eventually finding himself in a great battle between the Canaanite forces of Sisera and the Hebrew forces of Barak.

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näyttää 3/3
A story from the book of Judges, in the Old Testament, this retelling adds wonderful detail to the original verses. The author has done a fine job of making ancient cultures into humans we can understand. She shows how similar all the tribes were in many ways and how they were intertwined with one another. Often we are taught that the Canaanites, etc. were the evil bad people and they are simply written off as unimportant. That is not so in this book.
As the young Hittite ends up spending time amongst the various peoples of his time, he finds himself liking individuals, even if he doesn't understand their beliefs and practices. We also see the meshing of history and events and how they affected the people who lived in them. Young Uriah has a crisis of faith in the gods, and ends up choosing the God of the Israelites, he is a very likable young man all through the book. ( )
  MrsLee | Jul 30, 2011 |
The story of this book takes place during the time of the book of Judges (a Book of the Bible). It is full of suspense and action providing an interesting view of this time period. A good source for studying Old Testament History or Ancient Egyptian History ( )
1 ääni librarianebreegle | Sep 28, 2009 |
My older daughter's probably not going to like this one. It's a guy story, a historical tale set in ancient Israel. It's based on the Biblical tale of Deborah and Barak from the book of Judges. It tells the tale of Uriah, a young Hittite man who journeys to the land of Canaan and gets involved in the events there. It's an interesting and enjoyable tale. Ms. Williamson's plan was to write a story that brought the historical time to life, to show how the various peoples of that era were interrelated. She's done a great job of it. Check it out.
--J. ( )
1 ääni Hamburgerclan | Mar 16, 2006 |
näyttää 3/3
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In ca. 1200 B.C., Uriah the Hittite leaves his conquered homeland and, following his father's instruction, seeks refuge with an old family friend, eventually finding himself in a great battle between the Canaanite forces of Sisera and the Hebrew forces of Barak.

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