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Bratfest at Tiffany's

Tekijä: Lisi Harrison

Sarjat: The Clique (9)

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioMaininnat
8551425,721 (3.93)3
When male students from Briarwood join the all-girl Octavian Country Day at the beginning of eighth grade, Massie makes a rule that none of the girls on the Pretty Committee can have anything to do with them, trying to protect the girls' social status.

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Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 12) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
Going to put the same review for all the Clique books (unless I already reviewed them). These books are about a group of awful girls that I would hate to meet - and yet they're oddly addicting. So yes, I read all of them despite the fact that the girls were horrible. ( )
  t1bnotown | Jan 7, 2020 |
In this book the Pretty Committee girls are the most popular in the school. Until the boys arrive. Then all the girls that admired them only focus on the boys now. After Massie declares the boy fast Alicia picks her guy over the PC and their not happy about it. so after the PC kicks Alicia out she realizes that she wants her friends back. so she sends the boys into overflow and Massie is happy again, so everybody is happy. Then after they are all friends again Masssie declares their boyfast over.

I didn't really like this book because Massie is way to controlling. All of the girls go to her about everything even though,Massie has no idea what she's talking about. None of the girls do what they want to do only what Massie wants to do. Anyway, the girls are way to spoiled their parents don't care what they do and they are ridiculously rich. So, this book is definitely not the best so i don't recommend it. Also,the ending is kind of cheesy. ( )
  GabiJ.G1 | Sep 22, 2014 |
Bratfest At Tiffany’s written by Lisi Harrison is a classic teenage girl drama. In this New York Time’s Best Selling Novel, the 9th of 14 books, an elite group of mean girls face a shocking surprise. When the rooftop pool breaks at the all-boys school down the street OCD, a girls-only school, must combine with the boys. Not used to sharing the spotlight alpha Massie Block must figure out ways to redeem her fellow student bodies interest in her. Of course it doesn’t help when half of the kids must be taught in trailers due to an overflow in the students, Massie and her clique included. This book will have you humoured, yet outraged at the way Massie tries to win back her school. Harrison claims she writes this series to demonstrate how mean girls live their lives. “It started as one book just to show mean girls how their bullying makes them look but then grew when I realized that not only may they [Alphas] have troubles too but also feel insecure and helpless at times.”

There is also another character in this book that most teen girls can relate to; Claire Lyons. After a year as the new girl she finally gets to be part of the most rich and popular girl group in town. Though she is part of the clique Claire remains level-headed and nice. Though Massie pressures her to do what she asks Claire usually will do it and pay the consequences. “I knew I had to make a character that many, many girls could relate to. Not only did I have to make a controlling Alpha, I also had to make a shy newcomer.” Author Lisi Harrison states to a reporter from The New York Times.

In conclusion I think this book was well written and very detailed. From explaining places they went to emotions they felt you could practically visual it in your head. I would recommend this book to most teenage girls from 12-18 because, though some adult language and content, there is also a point where it shouldn’t be considered an adult book either. ( )
  br13emha | Sep 19, 2012 |
The book Bratfest at Tiffanys is about A group of girls who are apart of the popular group. But this book has a twist. A not so snooty girl gets to join the club also. Her name is Claire she just came from FL all the way to NYC! Claire is a girl who is not very rich, but still get the attenchion with the popular girls and even get to join thier club. The thing is can she stay in the club. Massie (Group leader) make these rules that require not to even think about boys (boy fast) and you have to stay with the group at all times. Claire might be caught or will she stay in the group? The whole story mostly takes place at thier private school in NYC and what happend during class plus passing in the halls. Claire and a few of the group members brake a few of Massies rules. Some will get caught Claire hopes she will get away with it and she just might. Even though I likes the book the girl massie was really innoying and i diddent really like her way of talking. But everything else was good about the book. I would reccomend this bool to almost anyone. ( )
1 ääni ctmshajo | Sep 9, 2011 |
This book was very good. The boy school had to be combined with the all girls schol next door. This left a lot of girls very unhappy and others really happy. For the pretty committee they hated it because they weren't the center of attention anymore. ( )
1 ääni MaWa0404 | Jan 31, 2011 |
Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 12) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
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Briarwood-Octavian Country Day School - The Cafe - Tuesday, September 8th - 7:23am - All students must keep out until 8a.m. no exceptions. "Puh-lease!" Massie Block ripped the sign off the frosted glass doors of the Cafe.
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Englanninkielinen Wikipedia (1)

When male students from Briarwood join the all-girl Octavian Country Day at the beginning of eighth grade, Massie makes a rule that none of the girls on the Pretty Committee can have anything to do with them, trying to protect the girls' social status.

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1 2
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2 9
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3 28
3.5 5
4 47
4.5 6
5 45

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