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Wibble Wobble

Tekijä: Miriam Moss

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioMaininnat
334378,487 (3.33)1
William is the only one is his class who doesn't have a loose tooth story, until finally he loses his first tooth and when he goes to get it from the teacher, it's not there.

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a little boy has a wiggly tooth and he is trying to get rid of it. with some patience it comes out
1 book
  TUCC | Jul 27, 2017 |
Genre: Realistic Fiction
Media: Ink and Colorwash
Age Appropriateness: Primary
This book is about William and his class. Everyone in his class has a loose tooth story but him. Finally one day he does get a loose tooth and it comes out at school. His teacher places it in an unsafe spot and in turn the tooth is thrown away. Luckily they find the tooth in the garbage so the tooth fairy can come. This book is a good example of realistic fiction because kids in k-2nd grade go through this same thing with loosing teeth. The plot is important to this book. The plot was not the best but it would probably keep a kindergarten student engaged. It started out slow and non-engaging, but was more interesting when the tooth was "lost." ( )
  bmiller06 | Nov 1, 2008 |
This story is about a little boy named William who wants to have a loose tooth just like all of his friends. The day finally arrives when he first feels his tooth start to feel loose and he is so excited. He makes up the cutest little jingle that he says throughout the story, " Push, pull, jiggle, joggle, poke, flick, wibble, wobble." William shows much patience while he waits and waits for it to fall out, but his teacher misplaces it and the hunt is on to find William's tooth to give to the tooth fairy. In the end the tooth fairy takes William's precious first tooth and he gets his shiny silver dollar and a few more loose teeth!

This story was really cute. It brought back memories of when I had my first loose tooth and the excitement of it all. My youngest little boy just discovered his first loose tooth a few days ago and it reminded me just how important these milestones are to children.

This book would be a good story to read to the class when you are presenting the unit on dental hygiene and taking care of their teeth. This could also be incorporated with a food group lesson when you are discussing the types of food we eat and how they affect our dental health. It would be great if you do a unit on community helpers and have a dental hygienist or a dentist come in to talk to your students about taking care of their teeth.
  melissafourroux | Oct 24, 2008 |
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William is the only one is his class who doesn't have a loose tooth story, until finally he loses his first tooth and when he goes to get it from the teacher, it's not there.

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