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Raising Our Children's Children (1996)

Tekijä: Deborah Doucette-Dudman, Jeffrey R. LaCure, Jeffrey R. LaCure

Muut tekijät: Katso muut tekijät -osio.

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271869,827 (5)-
Family & Relationships. Nonfiction. Based on Deborah Doucette's personal experience raising a grandchild, this book examines the myriad factors involved in kinship care, specifically when grandparents begin to raise their grandchildren. Filled with true stories from people who have raised their children's children, and including advice from Dr. Jeffrey R. LaCure throughout, this family-focused book looks at this fairly common relationship from all sides. Now in its second edition, Raising Our Children's Children has been updated to include recent social developments, such as the trend toward multigenerational family living where children, their parents, and their grandparents all live under one roof.… (lisätietoja)
Viimeisimmät tallentajatDanielCCopper, jayMoeketsi, ACRF, Matthew365

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Every parent would happily give up ever scolding, punishing or threatening if she only knew how to ensure that her toddler/child/teen would thrive and act responsibly without such painful measures. Raising Our Children, Raising Ourselves is the answer to this universal wish. It is not about gentle ways to control a child, but about a way of being and of understanding a child so she/he can be the best of herself, not because she fears you or seeks your approval but because she wants to, of her own free will. Aldort's guidance takes the struggle out of parenting. The book is full of real life stories, often leaving the reader moved to tears or laughter and relieved to discover that there is a kinder way. The SALVE communication formula has been praised for providing a hybrid of The Work of Byron Katie and Nonviolent Communication. It gives parents the tools to move beyond their initial unproductive reaction, to a response that is connecting and empowering to the child and to themselves. Selected Reading Questionnaire.
  ACRF | Nov 15, 2022 |
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Doucette-Dudman, Deborahensisijainen tekijäkaikki painoksetvahvistettu
LaCure, Jeffrey R.päätekijäkaikki painoksetvahvistettu
LaCure, Jeffrey R.päätekijäkaikki painoksetvahvistettu
Buzzard, MadelynKertojamuu tekijäeräät painoksetvahvistettu
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Family & Relationships. Nonfiction. Based on Deborah Doucette's personal experience raising a grandchild, this book examines the myriad factors involved in kinship care, specifically when grandparents begin to raise their grandchildren. Filled with true stories from people who have raised their children's children, and including advice from Dr. Jeffrey R. LaCure throughout, this family-focused book looks at this fairly common relationship from all sides. Now in its second edition, Raising Our Children's Children has been updated to include recent social developments, such as the trend toward multigenerational family living where children, their parents, and their grandparents all live under one roof.

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